
CineMonsteR - collection of the most rare and scandal films of world cinema.


Sunday, April 28, 2019

Utíkejme, už jde! / Run, He Is Coming! 1986.

Utíkejme, už jde! / Run, He Is Coming! 1986.
Manželia Syslovci sa tlačia s dvoma malými deťmi v maličkom panelákovom byte. Raz sa však otec Sysel prekopne cez tenké múry k záhadnému susedovi - mágovi, a všetko sa razom zmení.
Director: Dušan Rapoš.
Cast: Marian Zednikovič, Zuzana Bydžovská, Milan Lasica, Andrej Hryc, Milan Kiš, Slávka Šebová, Tomáš Zednikovič, Július Satinský, Miroslav Noga, Jiří Menzel, Marianna Domšicová, Marta Černická, Eva Mária Chalupová, Alena Heribanová, Katarína Šugárová, Ladislav Gerendáš, Valéria Kelecsényiová, Ľudovít Reiter, Karol Čálik, Mária Hájková, Peter Cón, Peter Šimun, Ján Melkovič, Dagmar Hodinárová, Vlasta Rigová, Júlia Šarköziová.
Czechoslovakia, 1986.
Language: Slovak.
Utíkejme, už jde! / Run, He Is Coming! 1986.
Utíkejme, už jde! / Run, He Is Coming! 1986.

Al otro lado. 2004.

Al otro lado. 2004.
Al Otro Lado ("To The Other Side") is a 2004 Mexican film directed by Gustavo Loza. The film follows the story of three children, one from Mexico, Cuba, and Morocco, as they attempt to deal with realities of immigration in their societies. The film won three awards at the Lleida Latin-American Film Festival in 2006, including Best Film and the Audience Award; Vanessa Bauche won best actress at the festival for her performance. Al Otro Lado was also the Mexican candidate for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 78th Academy Awards, but was not selected as one of the final five nominees.
The movie is composed by three short films that, in appearance, are connected by a theme: the immigrants lacking identity papers. This it is not completely true if we set us in the plot of the story that happens in Cuba, where a boy wants to seek his father, an American citizen. In reality Al Otro Lado is the story of three children that want to enjoy his absent parents but are impeded by their economic situation; three stories that themselves turn in just one story of hope.
Director: Gustavo Loza.
Cast: Carmen Maura, Martha Higareda, Adrian Alonso, Vanessa Bauche, Julián Villagrán, Sanaa Alaoui, Ignacio Guadalupe, Manolo Caro, Silke, Naoufal Azzouz, Héctor Echemendia, Susana González, Héctor Suárez, Nuria Badih, Jorge Milo.
Mexico, 2004.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
Al otro lado. 2004.
Al otro lado. 2004.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

De qué color es el viento / What Color Is the Wind? 1973.

De qué color es el viento / What Color Is the Wind? 1973.
ES. De qué color es el viento es una película mexicana filmada en 1972 (aunque sería estrenada comercialmente el 13 de octubre de 1973) y fue producida y dirigida por Servando González, quien también escribió el guion junto con su esposa Miriam Salinas, sobre la base de una idea de Aida Berkman. El título de la película fue cedido por la poetisa Griselda Álvarez, y fue tomado de Letanía erótica para la paz: "Las auroras eran amargas / como niños ciegos que quieren saber de qué color es el viento".
Sergio y Eva son dos niños invidentes que estudian en la misma escuela de capacitación para ciegos y pronto se hacen amigos, a pesar de que él proviene de una familia humilde y ella de una familia de clase alta, por lo que la madre del chico le prohíbe que la vaya a visitar a su casa.
Por suerte para Sergio, su maestra Luz María decide ayudarlo costeando una parte de la operación con sus ahorros para que pueda ver. La operación resulta todo un éxito pero, ahora, el niño comienza a percatarse de que el mundo no es tan maravilloso como se lo había imaginado cuando estaba ciego y, aunado al hecho de que es ahora la mamá de Eva quien no quiere el trato con su hija (ya que la niña también había sido operada con anterioridad pero sin conseguir el mismo resultado), Sergio decide tomar una medida drástica para poder recuperar la amistad de su amiguita.
EN. A boy and a girl, both blind, became friends, and after hearing about a medical procedure that may restore one's vision; the next problem is the cost and these children are, by no means, rich.
Director: Servando González.
Cast: Héctor Suárez, Virma González, Ahui Camacho, Maria Andrea, María Eugenia San Martín, Enrique Pontón, Gaspara Galindo, Raúl Quijada, María Elena García, Ofelia Medina.
Mexico, 1972.
Language: Spanish.
Download De qué color es el viento / What Color Is the Wind? 1973.
De qué color es el viento / What Color Is the Wind? 1973.
De qué color es el viento / What Color Is the Wind? 1973.

Friday, April 26, 2019

El muro del silencio. 1974.

El muro del silencio. 1974.
 ES. Regina, quien vive con su hijo Daniel, pierde su empleo de maestra debido a la ilegitimidad de éste pero monta un taller de costura, y mantiene a su hijo alejado de la gente. Cinta en la que se narra la dramática relación entre una mamá, su hijo ilegítimo y la organización puritana que los rodea.
EN. El muro del silencio ("The Wall of Silence") is a 1974 Mexican film starring Brontis Jodorowsky as Daniel. It was directed by Luis Alcoriza. The film was shot 1972 in Bogotá and Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia, and released 31 January 1974. In 1973, the film music secured José Antonio Alcaraz and Rubén Fuentes the Silver Ariel for the best score (Ariel a Mejor Música de Fondo).
Regina, who lives with her son Daniel, loses her teaching job because his illegitimacy. She opens a sewing shop and keeps her child away from people. The movie narrates the dramatic relationship between a mother, her illegitimate child and the puritanical society around them.
Director: Luis Alcoriza.
Cast: Brontis Jodorowsky, Fabiola Falcón, David Reynoso, Armando Silvestre, Milton Rodríguez, Claudio Brook, Betty Meléndez, Álvaro Ruiz, Carlos Muñoz, Camilo Medina, Jilma Umar.
Mexico, 1974.
Language: Spanish.
Download El muro del silencio. 1974.
El muro del silencio. 1974.
El muro del silencio. 1974.

La tía Alejandra / Aunt Alejandra. 1979.

La tía Alejandra / Aunt Alejandra. 1979.
ES. La tía Alejandra es una película mexicana de horror dirigida por Arturo Ripstein. Fue estrenada en 1979, protagonizada por Isabela Corona y Diana Bracho.
La trama se sustenta en la llegada a un hogar familiar, formado por dos padres y sus tres hijos, de la anciana tía del marido. Una mujer en principio cariñosa que sufre graves cambios de humor, que se recluye en su habitación con bastante regularidad y que parece estar rodeada por un aura de misterio que causa rechazo en el mayor de los hijos y no hace más que traer desgracias a la casa desde su llegada. La Tía posee una fortuna que seguramente ayudará a sus parientes, pero en realidad empieza a destruir a toda la familia en forma diabólica, pues intenta enseñar brujería a los niños. Cuando uno de ellos le hace travesuras provoca su muerte, y cuando su sobrino la echa de la casa lo ahoga en su propia cama. Luego la niña mayor le quema el rostro y ella hace que se incendie una habitación completa con la niña dentro. Solo sobrevive la esposa y la hija pequeña, pero esta parece haber aprendido los secretos de la Tía...
EN. La Tía Alejandra (Aunt Alejandra) is a Mexican horror film of 1979, starring Isabela Corona.
The plot is based on the arrival of Aunt Alejandra to a familiar household consisting of two parents and three children. A woman who is loving, in principle, suffers severe mood swings and strange things happen in her room quite regularly and that seems to be surrounded by an aura of mystery. Rejected by the eldest child, she only serves to bring misfortune to them since coming home. Auntie has a fortune that will surely help her relatives, but really begins to destroy the whole family with diabolical acts, and attempts to teach children witchcraft. When one of the children mocks her, she caused his death. When her nephew dismisses of his house, she chokes him in his own bed. When the older girl burns her face, Alejandra burns an entire room with the girl inside. Only surviving Lucía, the wife, and her young daughter, but she seems to have learned the secrets of Alejandra...
La Tía Alejandra is a curious and unusual, a rarity in the genre of Mexican Cinema. Not strictly a horror film, but conveys concern in many of its passages. It is not explicit in what it shows but rightly fiddles with witchcraft, curses, black Magic and Satanism. Not when graphic violence on screen display, but in a subtle way the sample with an elegant ferocity that causes discomfort even viewer. The staging of Ripstein is austere. But his control over the narrative tempo is excellent. With the atmosphere and the magnetic presence of a large Isabela Corona that from a physical get feeble and helpless to convey a menacing tone that seems unfeasible but for the good work between director and actress.
Director: Arturo Ripstein.
Cast: Diana Bracho, Isabela Corona, Manuel Ojeda, María Rebeca, Lilian Davis, Adonay Somoza Jr., Juan José Espinoza, Humberto Vilches, María Barber.
Mexico, 1979.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
Download La tía Alejandra / Aunt Alejandra. 1979.
La tía Alejandra / Aunt Alejandra. 1979.
La tía Alejandra / Aunt Alejandra. 1979.

火船 / The Fire Boat. 1993.

火船 / The Fire Boat. 1993.
 CN. 一个遥远而充满封建的时代,洞庭湖边存在着一个小村庄,村庄里住着一个十七、八岁的年轻疯女,疯女没有家人,每日于村人与小孩玩耍作乐度日。她,样子长得十分美丽,村中众人都她十分照料。同时,村中住着了一户人家,家中父女两人,女到城里工作,留下了一个父亲,他四十来岁,一副纤瘦的身驱。一日,村中有人说疯女被人奸杀,死在湖边,众人十分气愤,村中的长老大会决定……   
EN. A widower's relationship with a madwoman leads to tragedy.
Director: Huang Jian-Zhong.
Cast: Cindy Yip Sin-Yi, Li Bao-Tian, He Qing, Jiang Xiao-Han.
China, 1993.
Language: Chinese.
Subtitles: Chinese.
火船 / The Fire Boat. 1993.
火船 / The Fire Boat. 1993.

Monday, April 22, 2019

El verano de la señora Forbes / The Summer of Miss Forbes. 1989.

El verano de la señora Forbes / The Summer of Miss Forbes. 1989.
 ES. El verano feliz de la señora Forbes, escrito originalmente en 1976, es el décimo del compendio de doce cuentos escritos y redactados por Gabriel García Márquez a lo largo de dieciocho años, que conforman el libro llamado Doce cuentos peregrinos.
El cuento fue adaptado en 1989 para la televisión por Jaime Humberto Hermosillo, con Hanna Schygulla como Frau Forbes
La señora Forbes, una institutriz alemana, es contratada para cuidar durante seis semanas a los dos hijos de un matrimonio que emprende un viaje de placer. Su temperamento autoritario y represivo someterá a los niños a una férrea disciplina, alimentando en ellos un odio sordo, que desemboca en un plan para asesinarla. Al espiarla en las noches, descubren sorprendidos a una voluptuosa mujer que se pasea desnuda por su habitación. Mientras bebe y entona extrañas canciones en alemán, evoca el nombre de Aquiles, un joven instructor con quien establecerá un juego amoroso de provocaciones y rechazos que concluirá con un sorprendente final.
EN. Mrs. Forbes, a German governess, is hired for six weeks to take care of two children, while their parents are away. She is authoritarian and repressive, so the children plan to murder her. But when they spy on her during the night, they discover Mrs. Forbes' secret.
Director: Jaime Humberto Hermosillo.
Cast: Hanna Schygulla, Francisco Gattorno, Alexis Castanares, Víctor César Villalobos, Guadalupe Sandoval, Fernando Balzaretti, Yuriria Munguía, Roberto Perdomo, Alejandro Herrero.
Mexico, Cuba, Spain, 1989.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
The archive contains 2 versions of the film of different quality.
Download El verano de la señora Forbes / The Summer of Miss Forbes. 1989.
El verano de la señora Forbes / The Summer of Miss Forbes. 1989.
El verano de la señora Forbes / The Summer of Miss Forbes. 1989.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Nevidni bataljon / The Invisible Battalion. 1967.

Nevidni bataljon / The Invisible Battalion. 1967.
 SI. V majhnem mestu daleč od gora se skupina nemkih vojakov počuti varno pred nenadnimi napadi partizanov. Mestni fantje, ki so nezadovoljni zavoljo pasivnosti svojih očetov, organizirajo zarotniko skupino in izvedejo akcijo. Eden od nemkih ujetnikov pobegne in dečki se odločijo, da mu pomagajo. Ob kopici iznajdljivosti in nevarnosti uspejo prepeljati ujetnika z nevarnega območja. Akcija nevidnega bataljona je uspela.
EN. Nevidni bataljon (The Invisible Battalion) is a 1967 Slovene film directed by Jane Kavčič.
A group of German soldiers begins to feel safe from partisan attacks while staying in a small town, far from the mountains where the fighting is taking place. Local lads, unhappy with their elders' passive stance, organise themselves into a group and take action. They write anti-German slogans all over the town and the Germans become more alert. A prisoner escapes and the boys decide to help him. They succeed despite the dangers.
Director: Jane Kavčič.
Cast: Miha Baloh, Milan Srdoc, Demeter Bitenc, Klara Jankovič, Janez Škof st., Danilo Bezlaj , Matija Poglajen, Metka Bučar, Milan Srdoč, Iztok Urbanc, Franci Trkov.
Yugoslavia, 1967.
Language: Slovenian.
Download Nevidni bataljon / The Invisible Battalion. 1967.
Nevidni bataljon / The Invisible Battalion. 1967.
Nevidni bataljon / The Invisible Battalion. 1967.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Anthology of short films. Part 65.

Anthology of short films. Part 65.
 The new issue of the anthology of short films number 65. Today the collection contains 8 minifilms both old and new, both documentaries and feature films from around the world.
1. Zamki na peske. 1968.
The poetic world of ten-year-old Kanatbek, who is building sandcastles, is confronted with the prose of the real world.
Directors: Yakov Bronstein, Algimantas Vidugiris.
USSR, Kirghizfilm, 1968.
Language: Russian.
2. Clinical examination of the child.
Director: Peter Coltman.
USA, University of Leeds, 2003.
3. Kuda poydyot Roma? 1985.
A documentary film from the series of newsreel "Soviet Sport" about boys who have not passed the selection of sports schools of the Olympic reserve.
Director: L. Danilov.
USSR, CSDF, 1985.
Language: Russian.
4. Making Maasai Men: Growing Courage Toward Circumcision. 2006.
In 1998, anthropologist Barbara Hoffman worked with a team of Maasai junior elders in Kisamis, a community in the Rift Valley of southern Kenya. All members of the team stressed the importance of the stages of the life cycle and the resulting changes to their status as they progress from children to adult Maasai elders. A male's transition from one step to another is celebrated as his masculine character is molded, honed and refined. Some of these stages are marked by ritual or ceremony, including shaving the hair, circumcision, and marriage. Shows an actual circumcision ceremony.
Director: Barbara G. Hoffman.
Language: English, Maasai.
Subtitles: English.
USA, 2006.
5. Man of The House. 2017.
Comedy and drama collide when a father tries to discipline his unruly child.
Director: Jall Cowasji.
Cast: Arunoday Singh, Meher Mistry, Rustom Tirandaz, Aarushi Jain, Henry Dada, Durga.
Language: English, Hindi.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
6. I Was in Your Blood. 2018.
A young boy falls in love with his babysitter.
Director: Joseph Sackett.
Cast: Colby Minifie, Tre Ryder, Inna Swinton.
1280x720 HD
7. Marc Jacobs. 2014.
A short film about a young boy living in Amsterdam Noord who longs to go on holiday to Morocco with his father.
Director: Sam de Jong.
Cast: Ruhi Belkadi, Oussama Addi, Chaalisa Belkadi, Achraf Meziani.
Netherlands, 2014.
Language: Dutch.
960x720 HD
8. Onán. 2002.
His father caught his 12-year-old son behind masturbation over a pornographic magazine, which he traded from his classmates for cigarettes. He does not punish him, but purposely asserts: "If you do this fifty times - you will die" The boy stretched his pleasure as much as he could for 49 times, and prepared for the sad outcome of tuning for the 50th.
Directors: Abraham López Feria, Pablo Tébar.
Cast: Christian Bautista, Sonia Castelo, Juanjo Cucalón, Daniel Esparza.
Spain, 2002.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
Anthology of short films. Part 65.
Anthology of short films. Part 65.
Anthology of short films. Part 65.
Anthology of short films. Part 65.

Monday, April 15, 2019

The Adolescent. 1967.

The Adolescent. 1967.
 A 13-year-old girl, just beginning to realize her own sexuality, comes home one day and finds her mother having sex with a stranger. Horrified, she runs away from home and heads towards her aunt's house in the country, only to be sexually assaulted along the way by a brutish local man. When she arrives at her aunt's house, she discovers that her aunt and cousin are not quite what she thought they were.
Director: Osamu Yamashita.
Cast: Reiko Tsumlira, Reiko Tsumura, Kyoko Cakashima, Aki Fujikawa, Masaji Miyazaki, Kumiko Orica, Kazuya Taguchi, Kyoko Takashima.
Japan, 1967.
Language: English.
Download The Adolescent. 1967.
The Adolescent. 1967.
The Adolescent. 1967.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull. 1982. Episode 1.

Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull. 1982. Episode 1.
 In der fünfteiligen Romanverfilmung nach Thomas Mann geht es um den gutaussehenden Unternehmersohn Felix Krull. Der galante Lebemann hat eine Begabung dazu, sich durch Lügen und Tricksereien durchs Leben zu manövrieren. Er wickelt Frauen reihenweise um den Finger und drückt sich geschickt vor dem Militärdienst und anderen Unbequemlichkeiten des Alltags. So tritt Felix statt dem Dienst an der Waffe einen von seinem Patenonkel vermittelten Job in einem Hotel in Monte Carlo an. Hier beginnt nun sein Höhenflug in und mit der (zumeist weiblichen) Schickeria des Fürstentums.
Director: Bernhard Sinkel.
Cast: John Moulder-Brown, Magali Noël, Hans Heinz Moser, Pierre Doris, Alain Flick, Klaus Schwarzkopf, Daphne Wagner, Mareike Carrière, Franziska Walser, Rolf Zacher, Rita Tushingham.
Austria, West Germany, France, 1982.
Language: German, Russian.
Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull. 1982. Episode 1.
Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull. 1982. Episode 1.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Du er ikke alene / You are not alone. 1978. HD.

 Du er ikke alene / You are not alone. 1978. HD.
 DK. Du er ikke alene er en dansk film fra 1978. Filmen er instrueret af Lasse Nielsen og Ernst Johansen, og manuskriptet er af Lasse Nielsen og Bent Pedersen. Filmen havde premiere den 23. februar 1978.
Filmen foregår på en dansk drengeefterskole hvor en af drengene, Bo (Anders Agensø), opdager sin kærlighed for forstanderens yngste søn, Kim (Peter Bjerg), da begge påbegynder en rejse af seksuel udforskning med hinanden. I en ikke-relateret hændelse bliver en elev udvist for at vise pornografiske plakater, hvorefter de andre elever beslutter sig for at protestere og gå i strejke. Kim og Bo beslutter sig for at komme ud af skabet foran forældre og klassekammerater og viser en film de har lavet om deres forhold, der afsluttes med en lang og følelsesladet kyssescene.
Overgreb på børneskuespillere:
I foråret 2018 er det kommet frem i medierne, at mange af børneskuespillerne, både drenge og piger, som var med i filmen, skal være blevet krænket og seksuelt misbrugt under filmoptagelserne. Misbruget skal være begået af de to instruktører Lasse Nielsen og Ernst Johansen.
EN. You Are Not Alone (Danish: Du er ikke alene) is a 1978 Danish coming-of-age film written by Lasse Nielsen and Bent Petersen, directed by Lasse Nielsen and Ernst Johansen and produced by Steen Herdel.
Set in a Danish all-boys boarding school, one of the boys, Bo (Anders Agensø), develops a special relationship with the headmaster's young son, Kim (Peter Bjerg). In the beginning of the film the headmaster is trying to get funding for a new gym for the school. The boarding school is likely a Christian one, as they have school prayer and the teachers keep referring to good Christian morals.
In another plotline, a troubled student is expelled for displaying sexually charged posters. Some of the students decide to protest this by walking-out of classes. The boy is eventually allowed to return to school so that he may graduate. At the year-end graduation ceremony, the boys present to the entire school and their families a short film they made by themselves based on the commandment "Love thy neighbour".
Sexual abuse:
In 2018 six male and sixteen female former child actors accused the two directors of sexual abuse during the production of You Are Not Alone and other films. The accusations were covered widely in Danish media, and Ernst Johansen admitted to having had sex with under-age female actors, but claims to not having been aware of the age of consent (15 years in Denmark), and that the girls made a pass on him first.
 Directors: Lasse Nielsen, Ernst Johansen.
Cast: Anders Agensø, Peter Bjerg, Ove Sprogøe, Martin Højmark, Elin Reimer, Jan Jorgensen, Jørn Faurschou, Merete Axelberg, John Hahn-Petersen, Hugo Herrestrup, Beatrice Palner, Aske Jacoby, Ole Meyer.
Denmark, 1978.
Language: Danish, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
Download Du er ikke alene / You are not alone. 1978. HD:
2 parts archive:
 Du er ikke alene / You are not alone. 1978. HD.
 Du er ikke alene / You are not alone. 1978. HD.

Les mots pour le dire / Voltar a Viver. 1983.

Les mots pour le dire / Voltar a Viver. 1983.
 FR. Les Mots pour le dire est un film français réalisé par José Pinheiro d'après le roman autobiographique de Marie Cardinal. Le film est sorti en 1983.
Marie, la trentaine, fille de parents divorcés, a un malaise dans le métro à Paris. Elle consulte un psychanalyste pour aller à la recherche des tourments qui empoisonnent sa vie.
EN. Marie has has her period for many years endlessly. She's tires, faints everywhere. Because she might be somatizing, she starts a therapy. A new life opens to her.
A warning: this is a VHS-rip from an old videocassette, the video quality is very poor.
Director: José Pinheiro.
Cast: Nicole Garcia, Marie-Christine Barrault, Daniel Mesguich, Claude Rich, Jean-Luc Boutté, Michèle Baumgartner, Jean-Louis Foulquier, Robin Renucci, Céline Blanc-Potard.
France, 1983.
Language: French.
Subtitles: Portuguese.
Download Les mots pour le dire / Voltar a Viver. 1983.
Les mots pour le dire / Voltar a Viver. 1983.
Les mots pour le dire / Voltar a Viver. 1983.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Zhivaya raduga / Living Rainbow. 1982.

Zhivaya raduga / Living Rainbow. 1982.
 Based on the works of the writer Nikolai Nosov.
Every morning Misha and Katya go to school where their teacher teaches them to love and understand nature. When Misha's favorite duck dies in a car accident, they build an incubator to save future ducks.
The film “Living Rainbow” is the directorial debut of Natalia Bondarchuk. The film is unique in that sings of earthly love for animals and nature.
Director: Natalya Bondarchuk.
Cast: Roman Generalov, Yekaterina Lychyova, Yelizaveta Volkova, Nikolay Burlyaev, Natalya Bondarchuk, Stefaniya Stanyuta, Inna Makarova, Arnis Licitis, Alyona Bondarchuk.
USSR,  Kinostudiya imeni M. Gorkogo, 1982.
Language: Russian.
Download Zhivaya raduga / Living Rainbow. 1982.
Zhivaya raduga / Living Rainbow. 1982.
Zhivaya raduga / Living Rainbow. 1982.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Európa messze van / Europe Is Far Away. 1995. 6 episodes.

Európa messze van / Europe Is Far Away. 1995. 6 episodes.
HU. A film a Ceausescu-rendszer utolsó évében játszódik. Főszereplője a tízéves Petru, aki értelmiségi szüleivel egy kis hegyi faluban él. Az apát ellenzéki magatartása miatt folyamatosan zaklatják, lassan már élete is veszélybe kerül.
EN. The story starts in Romania in the last years of the Ceaucescu regime. The main character of the film is Petru, a ten-year-old Romanian boy. His world is one of action and dreams but, at the same time, presents an authentic vista of contemporary Central Europe. All the events are shown through his eyes. His odyssey is an amusing and grotesque tale of survival as well as a parable on the survival of the human spirit. He comes to grips with a hostile world with both humour and rage, imagination and innocence. Petru lives with his vegetarian father Mihai and his pianist mother Daniela, in a small idyllic village in the Carpathian Mountains. His best friends are his dog Ursu, with whom he shares all his joys and sorrows, and the buffalo Florica. One day the family has to leave the country for political reasons. A long journey to freedom full of thrills and adventures begins, which first leads them from Hungary to Austria. Here they are sent to a refugee camp where Petru's parents are classified as economic refugees because they have no documents; they are be deported back to Romania. Petru flees on his own and has to encounter a number of dangerous situations. But there are also glimmers of hope when an old stationmaster and his wife from a tiny Bavarian village adopt him, nurse him back to health and enable him to integrate into a new community. But here too, the police are already on his tail...
Director: Barna Kabay, Petényi Katalin.
Cast: Levente Tamási, Géza Kaszás, Denisa Dér, Ferenc Zenthe, Hédi Temessy, Zoltán Gulyás Kiss, János Koltai, Balázs Mészáros, Ádám Rajhona.
Hungary, 1995.
Language: Hungarian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Európa messze van / Europe Is Far Away. 1995. 6 episodes.
Európa messze van / Europe Is Far Away. 1995. 6 episodes.
Európa messze van / Europe Is Far Away. 1995. 6 episodes.
Európa messze van / Europe Is Far Away. 1995. 6 episodes.
Európa messze van / Europe Is Far Away. 1995. 6 episodes.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Tom et Lola / Tom and Lola. 1990. HD & DVD.

Tom et Lola / Tom and Lola. 1990. HD & DVD.
 FR. Tom et Lola est un film français réalisé par Bertrand Arthuys, sorti en 1990.
Tom et Lola sont deux enfants-bulle de 9 ans, qui, depuis leur naissance, sont coupés du monde à cause de leur déficience immunitaire. Ils vivent nus, sans cheveux, dans deux bulles de plastique, entourés de l'affection de leur entourage, et attendant désespérément un remède à leur maladie. Cependant, ils construisent ensemble un monde onirique, communiquent avec un code secret et décident un jour, profitant de circonstances favorables, de réaliser leur rêve, atteindre l'Alaska où l'air est si pur qu'ils n'auront plus peur des microbes. Ils s'enfuient donc un soir de l'hôpital et commencent leur aventure merveilleuse pleine de péripéties.
EN. Tom et Lola (English: Tom and Lola) is a French film about two ten-year-olds who have always lived isolated in sterile, hermetically sealed plastic bubbles due to an (unspecified) immune-deficiency disease. However, neither their environment or the hospital technicians can keep down the indomitable spirit of these children. Nor can anything stop their quest to one day run truly free, unbound by the medical shackles that bind them.
In this allegorical children's melodrama, nine-year old Tom and Lola (Neil Stubbs and Melodie Colin) have been kept in super-sanitary conditions all their lives, and have only rarely ventured outside their clinical environment wrapped in plastic. They have been told that they have a radical immune deficiency, and will die if exposed to a normal environment. Surreptitiously, they begin to test the truth of this assertion by escaping from supervision in the middle of the night, and discover that whatever their adult captors believe, they are just fine. One day they escape for good.
Trivia: Late in the film when the pair are traveling, they come upon a group of siblings who are all completely naked in their own home. Despite claims to the contrary, this is perfectly normal for European preteens.
Director: Bertrand Arthuys.
Cast: Cécile Magnet, Marc Berman, Catherine Frot, Celian Varini, Neil Stubbs, Mélodie Collin, Sophie Arthuys, Olivier Belmont, Nadia Chapuis, Edouard Dequesne, Nicolas Haure, Quiterie Lejosne, Junior John Levis, Gwenaelle Quelme, Janine Souchon.
France, 1990.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Tom et Lola / Tom and Lola. 1990. HD.

Download DVD Tom et Lola / Tom and Lola. 1990.
Tom et Lola / Tom and Lola. 1990. HD & DVD.
Tom et Lola / Tom and Lola. 1990. HD & DVD.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Rispondetemi. 1992.

Rispondetemi. 1992.
 As the paramedics pry her hand apart from her dead lover's grip a woman's life flashes before her eyes. Racing to the hospital the stunning skies and rooftops of Montreal from the back of the ambulance are inter-cut with the most exquisitely cinematic memories.
Director: Léa Pool.
Cast: Anne Dorval, Marcel Gauthier, Élise Guilbault, Sylvie Legault, Karine Mercier.
Canada, 1992.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
Rispondetemi. 1992.

El castillo de la pureza / The Castle of Purity. 1973. DVD.

El castillo de la pureza / The Castle of Purity. 1973. DVD.
 ES. Un hombre afectado de sus facultades mentales mantiene encerrada a su familia por 18 años en una casona en la Ciudad de México.
Basada en hechos de la vida real, es uno de los films más conocidos del director Arturo Ripstein y del actor Claudio Brook que interpreta a Gabriel Lima, un hombre que aparentemente vive sólo en una casona en la Ciudad de México donde fabríca raticida, el cual vende a pequeños negocios.
Sin embargo lo que ninguno sabe, es que desde hace 18 años mantiene a su familia encerrada, su esposa Beatriz (Rita Macedo), y a sus tres hijos: Porvenir (Arturo Beristaín), Utopía (Diana Bracho) y la pequeña Voluntad (Gladys Bermejo).
Gabriel es muy estricto con ellos, los hace trabajar en su taller y diariamente los somete a sesiones de ejercicio, estudio y una comida basada solo en vegetales, ya que la carne está prohibida, pero lo más importante, los mantiene alejados del mundo exterior porque él cree que es dañino y corrupto, además por la más mínima distracción los castiga encerrándoles en un pequeño cuarto.
La historia esta basada en eventos de la vida real documentados en periodicos de 1959. Rafael Pérez Hernández, mantuvo encerrada a su familia por 15 años en una vieja casona estilo europeo en esquina de Insurgentes Norte y Godard en la ciudad de México conocida como “Casa de los Macetones”. Sus hijos de nombres Soberano, Librepensador, Indómita, Triunfador y Bienvivir, corresponden a su visión utópica de la vida.
EN. The Castle of Purity (Spanish: El castillo de la pureza) is a 1972 Mexican drama film directed by Arturo Ripstein.
The story of a disciplined and sexually driven man who keeps his family isolated in his home for years to protect them from the "evil nature" of human beings while inventing (with his wife) rat poison.
Director: Arturo Ripstein.
Cast: Claudio Brook, Rita Macedo, Arturo Beristáin, Diana Bracho, Gladys Bermejo, David Silva, María Rojo, María Guadalupe Delgado, Mario Castillón Bracho, Andrea del Llano.
Mexico, 1973.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Download DVD El castillo de la pureza / The Castle of Purity. 1973.
El castillo de la pureza / The Castle of Purity. 1973. DVD.
El castillo de la pureza / The Castle of Purity. 1973. DVD.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Kapteinis Džeks / Kapitan Dzhek. 1972.

Kapteinis Džeks / Kapitan Dzhek. 1972.
 LV. Meitenīte Žeņa sapņo kļūt par jūrnieci. Viņa valkā jūrnieku strīpaino kreklu, jūrnieku cepuri un visu savu brīvo laiku kopā ar zēniem pavada vecajā šonerī \"Signāls\", kas ir pietauvots krastā. Par savām jūras lietu zināšanām viņa ieguvusi iesauku \"Kapteinis Džeks\". Kad veco kuģi nolemj nodot lūžņos, mazie jūrnieki dodas ar šoneri bangojošā jūrā, jo uzskata, ka kuģis-veterāns nav pelnījis tādu likteni. Ar šo kuģi kara laikā no ienaidnieku gūsta aizmuka padomju jūrnieki, kuru vidū bija arī Žeņas tēvs. Ostas priekšniecība nolemj palīdzēt skolēniem organizēt pionieru jūras klubu, kam arī nodod varonīgo šoneri.
EN. Girl Žeņa dreams of becoming a sailor. She wears a sailor's shirt, a sailor's hat, and all her free time with her boys in his old baton. She got the nickname "Captain Jack" for her marine knowledge. When an old ship decides to scrap it, the small sailors go with a barge in the wading sea because they think the ship-veteran doesn't deserve such a fate. With this ship the Soviet sailors, who were also the father of Jean, were thrown out of the enemy during the war. The harbor chief decides to help the pupils organize a pioneer marine club, which is also handed over to the heroic baton.
Director: Ada Armīda Neretniece.
Cast: Inga Mickīte, Marija Podgurska, Donāts Baņonis, Raimonds Brikšķis, Einārs Piekuss, Aivars Lipšāns, Vaidevutis Mickītis, Valdemārs Zandbergs, Aivars Liepiņš, Harijs Šadovskis, Lauris Krumovičs, Nils Ceimurs.
USSR, Rīgas kinostudija, 1972.
Language: Russian.
Download Kapteinis Džeks / Kapitan Dzhek. 1972.
Kapteinis Džeks / Kapitan Dzhek. 1972.
Kapteinis Džeks / Kapitan Dzhek. 1972.