Красивый документальный фильм про Типпи, она родилась в Намибии и провела первые 10 лет жизни среди диких животных и первобытных племён. Ее родители - профессиональные кинооператоры, специализирующиеся на съемках дикой природы. Друзья девочки - слоны, львята, леопарды, змеи и хамелеоны. Ее взаимоотношения с животными просто поражают! Она совсем ничего не боится. С помощью своих родителей Типпи научилась любить и уважать флору и фауну чудесного мира, в котором она выросла, и подружиться с членами оставшихся в Южной Африке племен, ведущих первобытно-общинный образ жизни.
FR. Bienvenue dans le monde féerique de Tippi. Une petite fille de 6 ans vit en Namibie avec ses parents chasseurs d'images. Les animaux sauvages sont devenus ses plus fidèles compagnons, sans oublier les "Bushmen", une tribu dont l'histoire semble remonter aux origines de l'homme...
EN. Le Monde Selon Tippi is a 1997 French documentary about the life of young Tippi Benjamine Okanti Degri, who spent the first ten years of her childhood growing up in the African bush.
The real-life Mowgli: Incredible story of the little girl who spent her first 10 years growing up in the African bush with an elephant as her 'brother' and a leopard best friend
Sitting next to an adult leopard, Tippi Degre looks completely at ease.
While most parents would not let their children anywhere near the big cat, Tippi's was a particularly unusual childhood.
The daughter of French photographers Sylvie Robert and Alan Degre, she spent her first ten years travelling around Africa, and her parents chronicled her experiences.
Director: Christian Crye.
Cast: Tippi Degre.
France, 1998.
Language: French, Russian.
Download Типпи из Африки / Le monde selon Tippi / Tippi of Africa.
FR. Bienvenue dans le monde féerique de Tippi. Une petite fille de 6 ans vit en Namibie avec ses parents chasseurs d'images. Les animaux sauvages sont devenus ses plus fidèles compagnons, sans oublier les "Bushmen", une tribu dont l'histoire semble remonter aux origines de l'homme...
EN. Le Monde Selon Tippi is a 1997 French documentary about the life of young Tippi Benjamine Okanti Degri, who spent the first ten years of her childhood growing up in the African bush.
The real-life Mowgli: Incredible story of the little girl who spent her first 10 years growing up in the African bush with an elephant as her 'brother' and a leopard best friend
Sitting next to an adult leopard, Tippi Degre looks completely at ease.
While most parents would not let their children anywhere near the big cat, Tippi's was a particularly unusual childhood.
The daughter of French photographers Sylvie Robert and Alan Degre, she spent her first ten years travelling around Africa, and her parents chronicled her experiences.
Director: Christian Crye.
Cast: Tippi Degre.
France, 1998.
Language: French, Russian.
Download Типпи из Африки / Le monde selon Tippi / Tippi of Africa.
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Типпи из Африки / Le monde selon Tippi / Tippi of Africa. 1997. |
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