Детективная история о безумном убийце детей и одиноком полицейском, который пытается выловить маньяка. Наш криминальный элемент очень одинок, ему совершенно не с кем выпить и поболтать, поэтому все свои дела творит в гордом одиночестве и единственная его "подруга" - Луна, именно она, как он потом утверждал на допросах, заставляла его убивать, а сам он ни в чём не виноват. И пока наш бравый блюститель закона развлекается со своей новой подружкой, маньяк выслеживает очередную жертву...
A lonely police detective tracks down a crazed child murderer. The movie develops both characters equally well. Most of us would be drawn more to the depiction of the killer as an aberrant type. He is well played as a person lost in his own world, with no friends, selling fresh fish, and drinking alone, unable even to ask for the check at one point, due to his acute inwardness. Our detective discovers the nude body of a young girl in the woods, the work of our killer. Unlike other films of this kind, this one moves (or plods) along at an absorbing pace, giving time for the detective to develop a relationship with an equally lonely school teacher. At one point, while they are making love, the killer is busy with another victim.
Режиссёр: Imanol Uribe / Иманол Урибе.
В ролях: Miguel Ángel Solá, Adriana Ozores, Juan Diego Botto, Fernando Fernán Gómez, Charo López, Chete Lera, María Galiana, Noelia Ortega, Chiqui Fernández.
Испания, Франция, 1999.
Язык: испанский, без перевода.
Download Полнолуние / Plenilunio.
A lonely police detective tracks down a crazed child murderer. The movie develops both characters equally well. Most of us would be drawn more to the depiction of the killer as an aberrant type. He is well played as a person lost in his own world, with no friends, selling fresh fish, and drinking alone, unable even to ask for the check at one point, due to his acute inwardness. Our detective discovers the nude body of a young girl in the woods, the work of our killer. Unlike other films of this kind, this one moves (or plods) along at an absorbing pace, giving time for the detective to develop a relationship with an equally lonely school teacher. At one point, while they are making love, the killer is busy with another victim.
Режиссёр: Imanol Uribe / Иманол Урибе.
В ролях: Miguel Ángel Solá, Adriana Ozores, Juan Diego Botto, Fernando Fernán Gómez, Charo López, Chete Lera, María Galiana, Noelia Ortega, Chiqui Fernández.
Испания, Франция, 1999.
Язык: испанский, без перевода.
Download Полнолуние / Plenilunio.
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Полнолуние / Plenilunio. 1999. |
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