Красивый, почти медитативный фильм, яркий образец современного мексиканского независимого кино. Сюжет прост: один мексиканец, потомок Майя, съездил в Италию, завёл там роман и сына. После расставания он пару раз в год навещает его и в этом году они решают провести всё лето вместе. Рыбачат около коралловых рифов, ныряют с масками, наслаждаются прекрасной природой и обществом друг друга...
ES. Con sólo cinco años, el pequeño Natan siente que este viaje con su papá Jorge no es un viaje más, sino el capítulo previo a abandonar la tierra mexicana paterna rumbo a la de los orígenes de su mamá italiana. Sin embargo, la ruptura familiar del pasado, lejos de convertirse en un nudo traumático, abre una nueva perspectiva para padre e hijo en su trayecto hacia el arrecife de coral de Banco Chinchorro, donde el vínculo entre ellos crece al ritmo del contacto con la naturaleza. Bucear en Alamar, junto a los personajes, nos permite expandir todo un mundo de experiencias que se transmiten o se dejan incorporar; como si esta sorprendente extática, lírica, oceánica película de González Rubio siempre tuviera nuevos secretos escondidos para revelarnos, y para hallarlos debiese nadar entre el documental y la ficción. Sin la necesidad de perseguir grandes ballenas imposibles, Alamar prueba que los milagros (cinematográficos) existen.
EN. Alamar (To the Sea) is a 2009 Spanish-language documentary-style film about a boy visiting his father on the Banco Chinchorro. It is by Pedro González-Rubio. Alamar won best picture and the audience award at the seventh Morelia International Film Festival.
A young boy and his father learn about living in harmony with nature in this languid drama from filmmaker Pedro Gonzalez-Rubio. A man from Mexico (Jorge Machado) travels to Italy and falls in love with a beautiful local woman (Roberta Palombini). Their feelings for one another are strong, but they prove to be short lived, and when they decide to beak up after the birth of their son Natan, he returns to Mexico while she stays in Italy and takes primary custody of the child. However, the father strives to remain a presence in his son's life, and the boy visits his father at least once a year. As the five-year-old Natan travels to Mexico, his father has joined the family' fishing operation near the coral reefs of Banco Chinchorro. Living in an elevated cottage near the shore, Natan and his family devote their summer to an idyllic existence, spending their days catching the plentiful fish and observing the wildlife, and their nights sitting by the fire and admiring the stars. To the father, this simple life teaches an important lesson of existing in peace with the natural world, and Natan comes to see himself as being as much a part of this environment as the fish, the waterfowl and the seaweed. Alamar (aka To The Sea) was the first solo directorial credit for cinematographer Pedro Gonzalez-Rubio.
Director: Pedro González-Rubio.
Cast: Jorge Machado, Roberta Palombini, Natan Machado Palombini, Nestór Marín, Garza Silvestre.
Mexico, 2009.
Language: Spanish.
ES. Con sólo cinco años, el pequeño Natan siente que este viaje con su papá Jorge no es un viaje más, sino el capítulo previo a abandonar la tierra mexicana paterna rumbo a la de los orígenes de su mamá italiana. Sin embargo, la ruptura familiar del pasado, lejos de convertirse en un nudo traumático, abre una nueva perspectiva para padre e hijo en su trayecto hacia el arrecife de coral de Banco Chinchorro, donde el vínculo entre ellos crece al ritmo del contacto con la naturaleza. Bucear en Alamar, junto a los personajes, nos permite expandir todo un mundo de experiencias que se transmiten o se dejan incorporar; como si esta sorprendente extática, lírica, oceánica película de González Rubio siempre tuviera nuevos secretos escondidos para revelarnos, y para hallarlos debiese nadar entre el documental y la ficción. Sin la necesidad de perseguir grandes ballenas imposibles, Alamar prueba que los milagros (cinematográficos) existen.
EN. Alamar (To the Sea) is a 2009 Spanish-language documentary-style film about a boy visiting his father on the Banco Chinchorro. It is by Pedro González-Rubio. Alamar won best picture and the audience award at the seventh Morelia International Film Festival.
A young boy and his father learn about living in harmony with nature in this languid drama from filmmaker Pedro Gonzalez-Rubio. A man from Mexico (Jorge Machado) travels to Italy and falls in love with a beautiful local woman (Roberta Palombini). Their feelings for one another are strong, but they prove to be short lived, and when they decide to beak up after the birth of their son Natan, he returns to Mexico while she stays in Italy and takes primary custody of the child. However, the father strives to remain a presence in his son's life, and the boy visits his father at least once a year. As the five-year-old Natan travels to Mexico, his father has joined the family' fishing operation near the coral reefs of Banco Chinchorro. Living in an elevated cottage near the shore, Natan and his family devote their summer to an idyllic existence, spending their days catching the plentiful fish and observing the wildlife, and their nights sitting by the fire and admiring the stars. To the father, this simple life teaches an important lesson of existing in peace with the natural world, and Natan comes to see himself as being as much a part of this environment as the fish, the waterfowl and the seaweed. Alamar (aka To The Sea) was the first solo directorial credit for cinematographer Pedro Gonzalez-Rubio.
Director: Pedro González-Rubio.
Cast: Jorge Machado, Roberta Palombini, Natan Machado Palombini, Nestór Marín, Garza Silvestre.
Mexico, 2009.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download К морю / Alamar / To The Sea.
Download К морю / Alamar / To The Sea.
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К морю / Alamar / To The Sea. 2009. |
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