Очередной выпуск, за номером 38, сборник короткометражек включает в себя пять минифильмов разных стран и времён.
The thirty-eighth issue of a collection of short films. Today, five mini-movies from different countries.
1. Mécanomagie. 1996.
Нечто очень сюрное и странное про красивые пейзажи Люксембурга и какого то манекена, который путешествует по оным...
FR. Des Jitzert, des êtres presque humains que l’homme ne peut voir, parcourent les terres agraires du Luxembourg. Leur présence est source de phénomènes lyriques et mystérieux.
EN. A landscape in which everything moves is afflicted with a figure which is in itself static, but which moves - a kind of mechanic man? In Mécanomagie both the borders of perception and (natural) laws are infringed so that something new may emerge: nature as a boundless state of ecstasy!
Director: Bady Minck.
Cast: Misch Dimmer, Diane Becker, Raoul Chennaux, Sabine Stoltz, Denys Baldelli, Nordine Ries, Kim Thies, Jean-François Wolff, Jean-Claude Henkes, Bernard Jenkins.
Austria, Luxembourg, 1996.
Language: German.
2. Boys. 2016.
Два лучших друга в очередной раз ночуют вместе у одного из них, но в эту ночь что то изменилось в их отношениях...
BOYS is a story about two best friends on the first day of summer. Set in 1999, Brian sleeps over at Jake's house as they have done countless times before. This night, however, the two encounter new sides of themselves. Overwhelmed by the discovery, Brian decides to walk back home as he is facing a whole new path in his life. It is a story about desire, adolescence, and the realization of being different.
Director: Eyal Resh.
Cast: Kevin Brief, Alexis Jayde Burnett, Melissa Burnett, Wyatt Griswold, Pearce Joza, Nora King, Christine McGraw, Suanne Spoke.
USA, 2016.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
3. Itsy Bitsy Spiders. 2013.
Таинственная история про Эдвина, который постоянно рисует пауков. Его мать обращается к врачу дабы узнать что с ним не так...
Mysteriously and little by little, young Edwin is devoured by an odd, persistent and utterly compelling obsession: he draws pictures of spiders. So powerful is his compulsion, that Edwin covers entire walls in the apartment with sketches of his beloved arachnids, forcing Agatha, his hopeless and troubled mother, to seek professional help from a doctor. What does Edwin see in those drawings?
Director: Bertrand Paré.
Cast: Julian Feder, Jessica Galinas, Britt Prentice, Matthew Vorce, Joe Maggard, Bruce Hammond, Gabriel Burrafato, Rusty Meyers, Joe Palubinsky, Mark Justice.
USA, 2013.
Language: Russian (English).
1920x1080 HD
4. Тореадоры из Васюковки / Toreadory iz Vasyukovki. 1965.
Короткометражный фильм по книге Всеволода Нестайко о веселых приключениях двух украинских сорванцов, неразлучных друзей Явы Реня и Павлуши Завгороднего, которые и дня не могут прожить без приключений.
A short film based on Vsevolod Nestayko's book about the hilarious adventures of two inseparable friends.
Director: Самарий Зеликин / Samariy Zelikin
Cast: Alexander Bartenev, Alexander Minin, Nikolai Ushakov, O. Svistunov, E. Pustovoit.
СССР, 1965.
Language: Ukrainian.
5. Zand. 2008.
Cемейная драма про разведённых родителей и восьмилетнюю Изабель которой пришлось остаться с матерью. Отец пытается помочь ей но это совсем не просто...
Luuk is a truck driver who seems to be a goodhearted father for his eight-year-old daughter Isabel. After Luuk divorced from his wife Karen, Isabel lives with her mother. Whenever Luuk has the chance he takes Isabel to the sea or for a ride in his truck, which only carries sand. On one of those occasions Luuk discovers the horrific reason why Isabel is so quiet that day. From that moment on Luuk has to cope with a new and unexpected situation. Luuk kidnaps his daughter in an attempt to protect her, but he slowly loses control.
Director: Joost van Ginkel.
Cast: Jack Wouterse, Veerle Witkop, Margot Ros, Ruben Lürsen, Edward Koldewijn.
Netherlands, 2008.
Language: Russian (Dutch).
Download Cборник короткометражек, часть 38 / Shorts-38.
The thirty-eighth issue of a collection of short films. Today, five mini-movies from different countries.
1. Mécanomagie. 1996.
Нечто очень сюрное и странное про красивые пейзажи Люксембурга и какого то манекена, который путешествует по оным...
FR. Des Jitzert, des êtres presque humains que l’homme ne peut voir, parcourent les terres agraires du Luxembourg. Leur présence est source de phénomènes lyriques et mystérieux.
EN. A landscape in which everything moves is afflicted with a figure which is in itself static, but which moves - a kind of mechanic man? In Mécanomagie both the borders of perception and (natural) laws are infringed so that something new may emerge: nature as a boundless state of ecstasy!
Director: Bady Minck.
Cast: Misch Dimmer, Diane Becker, Raoul Chennaux, Sabine Stoltz, Denys Baldelli, Nordine Ries, Kim Thies, Jean-François Wolff, Jean-Claude Henkes, Bernard Jenkins.
Austria, Luxembourg, 1996.
Language: German.
2. Boys. 2016.
Два лучших друга в очередной раз ночуют вместе у одного из них, но в эту ночь что то изменилось в их отношениях...
BOYS is a story about two best friends on the first day of summer. Set in 1999, Brian sleeps over at Jake's house as they have done countless times before. This night, however, the two encounter new sides of themselves. Overwhelmed by the discovery, Brian decides to walk back home as he is facing a whole new path in his life. It is a story about desire, adolescence, and the realization of being different.
Director: Eyal Resh.
Cast: Kevin Brief, Alexis Jayde Burnett, Melissa Burnett, Wyatt Griswold, Pearce Joza, Nora King, Christine McGraw, Suanne Spoke.
USA, 2016.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
3. Itsy Bitsy Spiders. 2013.
Таинственная история про Эдвина, который постоянно рисует пауков. Его мать обращается к врачу дабы узнать что с ним не так...
Mysteriously and little by little, young Edwin is devoured by an odd, persistent and utterly compelling obsession: he draws pictures of spiders. So powerful is his compulsion, that Edwin covers entire walls in the apartment with sketches of his beloved arachnids, forcing Agatha, his hopeless and troubled mother, to seek professional help from a doctor. What does Edwin see in those drawings?
Director: Bertrand Paré.
Cast: Julian Feder, Jessica Galinas, Britt Prentice, Matthew Vorce, Joe Maggard, Bruce Hammond, Gabriel Burrafato, Rusty Meyers, Joe Palubinsky, Mark Justice.
USA, 2013.
Language: Russian (English).
1920x1080 HD
4. Тореадоры из Васюковки / Toreadory iz Vasyukovki. 1965.
Короткометражный фильм по книге Всеволода Нестайко о веселых приключениях двух украинских сорванцов, неразлучных друзей Явы Реня и Павлуши Завгороднего, которые и дня не могут прожить без приключений.
A short film based on Vsevolod Nestayko's book about the hilarious adventures of two inseparable friends.
Director: Самарий Зеликин / Samariy Zelikin
Cast: Alexander Bartenev, Alexander Minin, Nikolai Ushakov, O. Svistunov, E. Pustovoit.
СССР, 1965.
Language: Ukrainian.
5. Zand. 2008.
Cемейная драма про разведённых родителей и восьмилетнюю Изабель которой пришлось остаться с матерью. Отец пытается помочь ей но это совсем не просто...
Luuk is a truck driver who seems to be a goodhearted father for his eight-year-old daughter Isabel. After Luuk divorced from his wife Karen, Isabel lives with her mother. Whenever Luuk has the chance he takes Isabel to the sea or for a ride in his truck, which only carries sand. On one of those occasions Luuk discovers the horrific reason why Isabel is so quiet that day. From that moment on Luuk has to cope with a new and unexpected situation. Luuk kidnaps his daughter in an attempt to protect her, but he slowly loses control.
Director: Joost van Ginkel.
Cast: Jack Wouterse, Veerle Witkop, Margot Ros, Ruben Lürsen, Edward Koldewijn.
Netherlands, 2008.
Language: Russian (Dutch).
Download Cборник короткометражек, часть 38 / Shorts-38.
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Cборник короткометражек, часть 38 / Shorts-38. |
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Cборник короткометражек, часть 38 / Shorts-38. |
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