Предновогодний, за номером 59, сборник свежих короткометражек со всего мира. Сегодня в антологии представлены 5 минифильмов.
New Year's Eve, number 59 issue of a collection of shorts from around the world. Today in the anthology there are 5 films.
1. Killing the spot. 2001.
Conservas de cerdo. Muñecas. Boleros. Y plástico. Elementos dispares y conjuntados a la vez en la mente de un asesino, Bill. El Dr. Basil, su psiquiatra, intentará, en su última sesión, hilvanar todos estos elementos para comprender las motivaciones que han llevado a Bill al asesinato.
Director: Albert Pérez.
Cast: Juan Márquez, Carlos Lasarte, Quim Bofill, Josefa Rosaler, Mercé Llorens, Ignasi Bosacoma, José María Ponce.
Spain, 2001.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
2. Nadador / The Swimmer. 2013.
ES. Guillermo nunca se atreve a tirarse de cabeza. Pero una noche, cuando la piscina cierre, practicará hasta que lo consiga.
EN. A boy realizes how will his life be in the present and future with or without his crush.
Director: Dani de la Orden.
Cast: Joel Linde, Mireia Vilapuig, Christian Valencia, Laia Barot, Dani de la Orden, Cristina Rodriguez.
Spain, 2013.
Language: Spanish.
3. Sauna. 2018.
An anxious and ungainly teenage boy struggles against bullies, puberty, and his fears of mortality when his parents send him to a summer water polo camp.
Director: Charlie Polinger.
Cast: Alex Rubin, Wayne Baldwin, Zachary Alexander Rice, Mitchell Douglas, Nick Gore, Dylan Darwish, Greg Yoder, Jason A. Faulkner II.
USA, 2018.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
4. Volta. 2014.
A mother and daughter start out from downtown Athens and head to the northern suburbs of the city. Nina thinks she's going on a walk.
Director: Stella Kyriakopoulos.
Cast: Katerina Douka, Marisha Triantafyllidou, Christina Tsatsou, Giorgos Valais.
Greece, 2014.
Language: Greek
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
5. Villdyr / Wild Beasts. 2017.
NO. Midt på vinteren i Nord-Norge, omringet av en vill gjeng med kamerater, blir en ung gutts impulser påvirket av hans tiltrekning mot sin beste venn.
EN. Midwinter in the northern reaches of Norway. A group of kids run riot in the snow - but their mischief exposes a strange tension between two of the boys.
Director: Sverre Kvamme.
Cast: Mads Pettersen, Erlend Antonsen-Meløy, Karoline Marie Røsberg Olsen, Johanne Gjertsen Larsen, Andrea Mørtsell Bjerkeseth, Adrian Lesteberg Solberg.
Norway, 2017.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Cборник короткометражек, часть 59 / Shorts-59.
New Year's Eve, number 59 issue of a collection of shorts from around the world. Today in the anthology there are 5 films.
1. Killing the spot. 2001.
Conservas de cerdo. Muñecas. Boleros. Y plástico. Elementos dispares y conjuntados a la vez en la mente de un asesino, Bill. El Dr. Basil, su psiquiatra, intentará, en su última sesión, hilvanar todos estos elementos para comprender las motivaciones que han llevado a Bill al asesinato.
Director: Albert Pérez.
Cast: Juan Márquez, Carlos Lasarte, Quim Bofill, Josefa Rosaler, Mercé Llorens, Ignasi Bosacoma, José María Ponce.
Spain, 2001.
Language: Spanish, Russian.
2. Nadador / The Swimmer. 2013.
ES. Guillermo nunca se atreve a tirarse de cabeza. Pero una noche, cuando la piscina cierre, practicará hasta que lo consiga.
EN. A boy realizes how will his life be in the present and future with or without his crush.
Director: Dani de la Orden.
Cast: Joel Linde, Mireia Vilapuig, Christian Valencia, Laia Barot, Dani de la Orden, Cristina Rodriguez.
Spain, 2013.
Language: Spanish.
3. Sauna. 2018.
An anxious and ungainly teenage boy struggles against bullies, puberty, and his fears of mortality when his parents send him to a summer water polo camp.
Director: Charlie Polinger.
Cast: Alex Rubin, Wayne Baldwin, Zachary Alexander Rice, Mitchell Douglas, Nick Gore, Dylan Darwish, Greg Yoder, Jason A. Faulkner II.
USA, 2018.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
4. Volta. 2014.
A mother and daughter start out from downtown Athens and head to the northern suburbs of the city. Nina thinks she's going on a walk.
Director: Stella Kyriakopoulos.
Cast: Katerina Douka, Marisha Triantafyllidou, Christina Tsatsou, Giorgos Valais.
Greece, 2014.
Language: Greek
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
5. Villdyr / Wild Beasts. 2017.
NO. Midt på vinteren i Nord-Norge, omringet av en vill gjeng med kamerater, blir en ung gutts impulser påvirket av hans tiltrekning mot sin beste venn.
EN. Midwinter in the northern reaches of Norway. A group of kids run riot in the snow - but their mischief exposes a strange tension between two of the boys.
Director: Sverre Kvamme.
Cast: Mads Pettersen, Erlend Antonsen-Meløy, Karoline Marie Røsberg Olsen, Johanne Gjertsen Larsen, Andrea Mørtsell Bjerkeseth, Adrian Lesteberg Solberg.
Norway, 2017.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Cборник короткометражек, часть 59 / Shorts-59.
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Cборник короткометражек, часть 59 / Shorts-59. |
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