Последний в этом году сборник свежих короткометражек со всего мира номер 60. Сегодня в антологии представлены 7 фильмов со всего мира как игровых, так и документальных.
This year's latest issue of a collection of shorts from around the world is number 60. Today, the anthology presents 7 films from around the world, both fiction and documentary.
1. A Equação do Amor. 2012.
Cecilia Flores School. 9:15 AM. 3rd grade class. Final exams. Ian, who wonders about dating Nina (who wonders about several other things except dating Ian), dreams about his beloved and gets confused in the solution of his test that can seal his destiny - will our South-American anti-hero be able to solve his problems and not leave this page of his life blank?
Director: Fábio Allon.
Cast: Yasmin Kopp Cominese, Patrick Gessé, Sofia Foitsik de Oliveira.
Brazil, 2012.
Language: Portuguese.
1280x720 HD
2. Swim Zack Swim. 2002.
Tells the story of a young boy's desire to become a competitive swimmer and the challenge of accomplishing his goal.
Director: Sterling Johnston.
Cast: Evan Phillips, Robert Gibson, Debbie Deckert, Adrienne Bissonette.
Canada, 2002.
Language: English.
3. Gotcha. 1991.
Young Marco likes to play pranks on others and really enjoys it, but then his antics backfire and Marco suddenly realizes he had inadvertently placed himself in an embarrassing situation.
Director: Howard Rubie.
Cast: Daniel D'Amico, Melissa Trovato, Barbara Magnolfi, Nicholas Papademetriou, Philip Dodd.
Australia, 1991.
Language: English.
4. Otecko sa mi nepáči.
7-dielny seriál, v ktorom sa v priebehu siedmich dní prehlbujú vzťahy medzi dcérkou a oteckom, upevňuje sa pritom aj vzťah celej rodiny. Keď sa malej Barborke čosi nepodarí, sťažuje sa na otecka čarovnému panáčikovi, ktorý jej občas pomôže. Každý deň otecka a dcérky je plný neobyčajných zážitkov, napätia i smiechu, pretože musia sami gazdovať v očakávaní príchodu mamičky a malého bračeka z pôrodnice.
Episode 2 - Výlet.
Československo, 1991.
Language: Czech.
5. Plavaniye - pervyye uroki / Swimming - first lessons. 2004.
The film shows how to swim for children from scratch: getting used to the water, a set of sliding exercises, setting hands, footwork, and most importantly, learning how to breathe properly.
Russia, 2004.
Language: Russian.
6. Kukolka. 2011.
The answer to the question - How does your child live? - test for the mother of 9-year-old girl Katya.
Director: Yuliya Zavyalova.
Russia, 2011.
Language: Russian.
1280x720 HD
7. Fægtemesteren. 2014.
Vi følger den 10-årige Ruben gennem en hel fægtesæson. Ruben elsker at fægte, og han er en af de bedste i sin aldersgruppe. Ruben forbereder sig til et stort internationalt mesterskab, som han skal til for første gang - et mesterskab, der betyder alt for ham at vinde. For første gang skal Ruben møde modstandere fra de store fægtenationer Frankrig og Italien. Modstandere, som er både ældre, større og mere rutinerede, så han er nødt til at give alt, hvad han har i sig, hvis han skal have en chance for at vinde.
Filmen er en del af serien "Sport Kids" sammen med "Chikara - sumobryderens søn", "Ruth" og "Varicella".
Director: Simon Lereng Wilmont.
Denmark, 2014.
Language: Danish.
1280x720 HD
Download Cборник короткометражек, часть 60 / Shorts-60.
This year's latest issue of a collection of shorts from around the world is number 60. Today, the anthology presents 7 films from around the world, both fiction and documentary.
1. A Equação do Amor. 2012.
Cecilia Flores School. 9:15 AM. 3rd grade class. Final exams. Ian, who wonders about dating Nina (who wonders about several other things except dating Ian), dreams about his beloved and gets confused in the solution of his test that can seal his destiny - will our South-American anti-hero be able to solve his problems and not leave this page of his life blank?
Director: Fábio Allon.
Cast: Yasmin Kopp Cominese, Patrick Gessé, Sofia Foitsik de Oliveira.
Brazil, 2012.
Language: Portuguese.
1280x720 HD
2. Swim Zack Swim. 2002.
Tells the story of a young boy's desire to become a competitive swimmer and the challenge of accomplishing his goal.
Director: Sterling Johnston.
Cast: Evan Phillips, Robert Gibson, Debbie Deckert, Adrienne Bissonette.
Canada, 2002.
Language: English.
3. Gotcha. 1991.
Young Marco likes to play pranks on others and really enjoys it, but then his antics backfire and Marco suddenly realizes he had inadvertently placed himself in an embarrassing situation.
Director: Howard Rubie.
Cast: Daniel D'Amico, Melissa Trovato, Barbara Magnolfi, Nicholas Papademetriou, Philip Dodd.
Australia, 1991.
Language: English.
4. Otecko sa mi nepáči.
7-dielny seriál, v ktorom sa v priebehu siedmich dní prehlbujú vzťahy medzi dcérkou a oteckom, upevňuje sa pritom aj vzťah celej rodiny. Keď sa malej Barborke čosi nepodarí, sťažuje sa na otecka čarovnému panáčikovi, ktorý jej občas pomôže. Každý deň otecka a dcérky je plný neobyčajných zážitkov, napätia i smiechu, pretože musia sami gazdovať v očakávaní príchodu mamičky a malého bračeka z pôrodnice.
Episode 2 - Výlet.
Československo, 1991.
Language: Czech.
5. Plavaniye - pervyye uroki / Swimming - first lessons. 2004.
The film shows how to swim for children from scratch: getting used to the water, a set of sliding exercises, setting hands, footwork, and most importantly, learning how to breathe properly.
Russia, 2004.
Language: Russian.
6. Kukolka. 2011.
The answer to the question - How does your child live? - test for the mother of 9-year-old girl Katya.
Director: Yuliya Zavyalova.
Russia, 2011.
Language: Russian.
1280x720 HD
7. Fægtemesteren. 2014.
Vi følger den 10-årige Ruben gennem en hel fægtesæson. Ruben elsker at fægte, og han er en af de bedste i sin aldersgruppe. Ruben forbereder sig til et stort internationalt mesterskab, som han skal til for første gang - et mesterskab, der betyder alt for ham at vinde. For første gang skal Ruben møde modstandere fra de store fægtenationer Frankrig og Italien. Modstandere, som er både ældre, større og mere rutinerede, så han er nødt til at give alt, hvad han har i sig, hvis han skal have en chance for at vinde.
Filmen er en del af serien "Sport Kids" sammen med "Chikara - sumobryderens søn", "Ruth" og "Varicella".
Director: Simon Lereng Wilmont.
Denmark, 2014.
Language: Danish.
1280x720 HD
Download Cборник короткометражек, часть 60 / Shorts-60.
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Cборник короткометражек, часть 60 / Shorts-60. |
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Cборник короткометражек, часть 60 / Shorts-60. |
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