Лучший и немного скандальный фильм французского шансонье, актёра, режиссёра, бабника, пьяницы, скандалиста и прочее Сержа Генсбура "Шарлотта навсегда", снятый этим неординарным человеком всего за 5 лет до своей смерти. Действие фильма происходит в пределах одной квартиры, где он, сценарист Стэн, живёт со своей дочерью Шарлоттой, взрослеющей школьницей. Некоторое время назад в автокатастрофе погибла её мать, за рулём машины был сам Стэн и поэтому Шарлотта считает его виновным в смерти матери, о чём она постоянно, и скрыто, и явно обвиняет отца, чем доводит его буквально до безумия и нервного срыва. А он, в свою очередь, находится в перманентном запое, к тому же комплекс набоковского Гумберта не даёт ему покоя, к тому же дочка, совершенно не стесняясь, нередко красуется перед ним в полуголом виде. В общем весь фильм есть сплошная провокация на тему инцеста и связанных с этим переживаний, но Стэн всё же с трудом, но сдерживает свои сексуальные страсти в отношении дочери тиская её одноклассниц и ведя беспорядочную половую жизнь. Этот яркий образчик киноартхауса с одноимённой песней Генсбура не оставит равнодушным никого...
Stan, screeplay writer, had his time of glory in Hollywood. Today, alcoholic with a certain envy for suicide, his only link to life is his daughter, Charlotte.
A writer played by Serge Gainsbourg, is asking his agent for money which he needs because he is broke. His agent argues with him, and asks for the script he is supposed to be working on. After some prolonged begging, he finally gets the cash after promising to finish the script.
His daughter Charlotte is used as his on screen offspring here for a sense of reality. They argue constantly about her mother's death in a car accident in which she blames her father for causing. We get repeated flashbacks of a Porsche crashing into a fuel tanker and a fiery explosion. In between, old Serge drinks, has sex with various prostitutes, and reads from classic literature, including Lolita, to his fifteen year old daughter. He has inappropriate behavior with her, including some brief nudity of young Charlotte. The film goes nowhere, it just drifts from scene to scene with no direction. Why Mr. Gainsbourg would subject his young daughter to this subject matter at fifteen...
Режиссёр: Serge Gainsbourg / Серж Генсбур.
В ролях: Charlotte Gainsbourg, Serge Gainsbourg, Roland Bertin, Roland Dubillard, Anne Zamberlan, Anne Le Guernec, Sabeline Campo.
Франция, 1986.
Перевод: профессиональный двухголосый.
Download Шарлотта навсегда / Charlotte for Ever.
Stan, screeplay writer, had his time of glory in Hollywood. Today, alcoholic with a certain envy for suicide, his only link to life is his daughter, Charlotte.
A writer played by Serge Gainsbourg, is asking his agent for money which he needs because he is broke. His agent argues with him, and asks for the script he is supposed to be working on. After some prolonged begging, he finally gets the cash after promising to finish the script.
His daughter Charlotte is used as his on screen offspring here for a sense of reality. They argue constantly about her mother's death in a car accident in which she blames her father for causing. We get repeated flashbacks of a Porsche crashing into a fuel tanker and a fiery explosion. In between, old Serge drinks, has sex with various prostitutes, and reads from classic literature, including Lolita, to his fifteen year old daughter. He has inappropriate behavior with her, including some brief nudity of young Charlotte. The film goes nowhere, it just drifts from scene to scene with no direction. Why Mr. Gainsbourg would subject his young daughter to this subject matter at fifteen...
Режиссёр: Serge Gainsbourg / Серж Генсбур.
В ролях: Charlotte Gainsbourg, Serge Gainsbourg, Roland Bertin, Roland Dubillard, Anne Zamberlan, Anne Le Guernec, Sabeline Campo.
Франция, 1986.
Перевод: профессиональный двухголосый.
Download Шарлотта навсегда / Charlotte for Ever.
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Шарлотта навсегда / Charlotte for Ever. 1986. |
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Шарлотта навсегда / Charlotte for Ever. 1986. |
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