И ещё один сборник короткометражек, сегодня за номером 41. Шесть коротких фильмов, в основном свежие и посвящённые проблемам взросления и сексуальной ориентации.
And one more issue of a Anthology of short films, today`s number 41. Six short films, mostly fresh and dedicated to the problems of growing up and sexual orientation.
1. Reflection. 2014.
Очень "модный" нынче фильм про малолетнего гендерного мутанта. У мамаши-одиночки сынок никак не определится со своей ориентацией, но материнское сердце не камень и всё простит.
Tara, a young single mother, struggles to raise her gender non-conforming son. Increasingly aware of what it means to go against society’s “normal”, Tara finds it difficult to accept who her son wants to be.
Directors’ Statement:
“Despite confusion and frustration, a mother’s love trumps all fears.”
Reflection is an honest look at what it means to be a parent to LGBTQ youth.
Many emotional insecurity in LGBTQ adolescents are related to social stigma and negative societal responses, including the lack of family acceptance. And relationships between LGBTQ youth and their parents are often challenged. This film depicts a story of a mother and her enduring influence on her child’s life, and that despite her wishes for a “normal kid”, her love and understanding makes all the difference.
Director: Hazuki Aikawa.
Cast: Leah Cogan, Jake Mestre, James Ciccarelle, Stephanie Cozart, Yuko Aikawa, Gwendolyn Harmsen, Stacie Rathbone, Soto Silva.
USA, 2014.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
2. Oh, My God! 2008.
Юморная кеороткометражка про трёх девчушек насмотревшихся взрослых картинок и решивших поэкспериментировать со своими тушками.
Anne Sewitsky's Oh My God! is a humorous observation of children's interpretations and experiences of sexuality. The film also looks back through grown-up eyes at the reality of being part of the "in-crowd" and the lengths to which one is prepared to go to become a respected member. But first and foremost Oh my God! is a film about the orgasm.
Director: Anne Sewitsky.
Cast: Ella Vicorie Henriksen Haagensen, Julie Solberg, Ebba Tangen.
Norway, 2008.
Language: Norwegian.
3. Iver. 2004.
Ивер спешит в бассейн на тренировку. Там он узнает, что его тренировку отменили. Он все еще хочет плавать и незаметно входит, но оказывается там перед недружелюбным спасателем... Фильм о несправедливом отношении к ребенку со стороны взрослых, глазами ребёнка. Чтобы взрослые поняли свои ошибки в обращении с детьми...
Short story about fairness and misuse of power and privileges seen from a child's perspective - told so that children (and adults) everywhere will understand.
Iver, beautifully portrayed by young Erik Næsbak Brenden, is a young boy who sneaks into the town's indoor public baths where everything he wants to do seems to be breaking the pool's rules and regulations, and sets off the sturdy life guard's whistle. Finally, he's shown to the showers. Iver's mother is late in picking him up, so he has to stay till after closing time and sneaks back into the pool. But he's not alone ...
Although the turning point of the film is a bit too quick and easy, the story is nicely told so that a child easily can follow it and understand - and reflect upon it. Well worth the nine minutes.
Director: Christian Lo.
Cast: Erik Næsbak Brenden, Anders Baasmo Christiansen, Ragnhild Seljeset Mykleset.
Norway, 2004.
Language: Norwegian, Russian.
4. Swim Zack Swim. 2002.
История о мечте одного мальчишки стать спортсменом-плавцом и о препятствиях на пути ее осуществления.
Tells the story of a young boy's desire to become a competitive swimmer and the challenge of accomplishing his goal.
Director: Sterling Johnston.
Cast: Evan Phillips, Robert Gibson, Debbie Deckert, John Bigelow, Jacobus de Bock, Adrienne Bissonette, Elizabeth Calverley.
Canada, 2002.
Language: English.
5. Le maillot de bain. 2013.
В кемпинге на пляже десятилетний Реми очаровывается отцом своей новой подружки. Это новое чувство нарушит его отдых.
FR. Dans un camping au bord de la mer, Rémi, 10 ans, est fasciné par Stéphane, 35 ans, père d’une camarade de jeu : c’est un sentiment nouveau, inconnu, qui vient troubler ses vacances. Le monde entier ignore tout de cet émoi – à commencer par le beau Stéphane…
EN. On holiday on a campsite by the seaside, Remy, 10, is fascinated by Stephan, 35, the father of one of his playmates. This is a new, confusing feeling for him. Nobody knows what he is going through especially not handsome Stephan.
Director: Mathilde Bayle.
Cast: Roger Manning, Stanley Weber, Inès Giardino, Carole Franck, Frédéric Bouraly, Stéphane Durieux.
France, 2013.
Language: French
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1280x720 HD
6. Meander. 2005.
В жаркий летний день пятеро подростков ищут свежести возле реки. Пока мы наблюдаем их поведение внутри группы, кажущееся спокойное течение дня готово нарушиться.
On a hot summer day, five adolescents seek refreshment near a river. Whilst we observe their behaviour within the group, the apparently calm day tends to be disrupted.
Director: Joke Liberge.
Cast: Dirk Gerrits, Tom Maassen, Guus Tijssen, Maaike Van Den Bosch, Tahnee Van Laere.
Belgium, 2005.
Language: Dutch.
Download Cборник короткометражек, часть 41 / Shorts-41.
And one more issue of a Anthology of short films, today`s number 41. Six short films, mostly fresh and dedicated to the problems of growing up and sexual orientation.
1. Reflection. 2014.
Очень "модный" нынче фильм про малолетнего гендерного мутанта. У мамаши-одиночки сынок никак не определится со своей ориентацией, но материнское сердце не камень и всё простит.
Tara, a young single mother, struggles to raise her gender non-conforming son. Increasingly aware of what it means to go against society’s “normal”, Tara finds it difficult to accept who her son wants to be.
Directors’ Statement:
“Despite confusion and frustration, a mother’s love trumps all fears.”
Reflection is an honest look at what it means to be a parent to LGBTQ youth.
Many emotional insecurity in LGBTQ adolescents are related to social stigma and negative societal responses, including the lack of family acceptance. And relationships between LGBTQ youth and their parents are often challenged. This film depicts a story of a mother and her enduring influence on her child’s life, and that despite her wishes for a “normal kid”, her love and understanding makes all the difference.
Director: Hazuki Aikawa.
Cast: Leah Cogan, Jake Mestre, James Ciccarelle, Stephanie Cozart, Yuko Aikawa, Gwendolyn Harmsen, Stacie Rathbone, Soto Silva.
USA, 2014.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
2. Oh, My God! 2008.
Юморная кеороткометражка про трёх девчушек насмотревшихся взрослых картинок и решивших поэкспериментировать со своими тушками.
Anne Sewitsky's Oh My God! is a humorous observation of children's interpretations and experiences of sexuality. The film also looks back through grown-up eyes at the reality of being part of the "in-crowd" and the lengths to which one is prepared to go to become a respected member. But first and foremost Oh my God! is a film about the orgasm.
Director: Anne Sewitsky.
Cast: Ella Vicorie Henriksen Haagensen, Julie Solberg, Ebba Tangen.
Norway, 2008.
Language: Norwegian.
3. Iver. 2004.
Ивер спешит в бассейн на тренировку. Там он узнает, что его тренировку отменили. Он все еще хочет плавать и незаметно входит, но оказывается там перед недружелюбным спасателем... Фильм о несправедливом отношении к ребенку со стороны взрослых, глазами ребёнка. Чтобы взрослые поняли свои ошибки в обращении с детьми...
Short story about fairness and misuse of power and privileges seen from a child's perspective - told so that children (and adults) everywhere will understand.
Iver, beautifully portrayed by young Erik Næsbak Brenden, is a young boy who sneaks into the town's indoor public baths where everything he wants to do seems to be breaking the pool's rules and regulations, and sets off the sturdy life guard's whistle. Finally, he's shown to the showers. Iver's mother is late in picking him up, so he has to stay till after closing time and sneaks back into the pool. But he's not alone ...
Although the turning point of the film is a bit too quick and easy, the story is nicely told so that a child easily can follow it and understand - and reflect upon it. Well worth the nine minutes.
Director: Christian Lo.
Cast: Erik Næsbak Brenden, Anders Baasmo Christiansen, Ragnhild Seljeset Mykleset.
Norway, 2004.
Language: Norwegian, Russian.
4. Swim Zack Swim. 2002.
История о мечте одного мальчишки стать спортсменом-плавцом и о препятствиях на пути ее осуществления.
Tells the story of a young boy's desire to become a competitive swimmer and the challenge of accomplishing his goal.
Director: Sterling Johnston.
Cast: Evan Phillips, Robert Gibson, Debbie Deckert, John Bigelow, Jacobus de Bock, Adrienne Bissonette, Elizabeth Calverley.
Canada, 2002.
Language: English.
5. Le maillot de bain. 2013.
В кемпинге на пляже десятилетний Реми очаровывается отцом своей новой подружки. Это новое чувство нарушит его отдых.
FR. Dans un camping au bord de la mer, Rémi, 10 ans, est fasciné par Stéphane, 35 ans, père d’une camarade de jeu : c’est un sentiment nouveau, inconnu, qui vient troubler ses vacances. Le monde entier ignore tout de cet émoi – à commencer par le beau Stéphane…
EN. On holiday on a campsite by the seaside, Remy, 10, is fascinated by Stephan, 35, the father of one of his playmates. This is a new, confusing feeling for him. Nobody knows what he is going through especially not handsome Stephan.
Director: Mathilde Bayle.
Cast: Roger Manning, Stanley Weber, Inès Giardino, Carole Franck, Frédéric Bouraly, Stéphane Durieux.
France, 2013.
Language: French
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1280x720 HD
6. Meander. 2005.
В жаркий летний день пятеро подростков ищут свежести возле реки. Пока мы наблюдаем их поведение внутри группы, кажущееся спокойное течение дня готово нарушиться.
On a hot summer day, five adolescents seek refreshment near a river. Whilst we observe their behaviour within the group, the apparently calm day tends to be disrupted.
Director: Joke Liberge.
Cast: Dirk Gerrits, Tom Maassen, Guus Tijssen, Maaike Van Den Bosch, Tahnee Van Laere.
Belgium, 2005.
Language: Dutch.
Download Cборник короткометражек, часть 41 / Shorts-41.
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Cборник короткометражек, часть 41 / Shorts-41. |
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Cборник короткометражек, часть 41 / Shorts-41. |
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