Редкий индонезийский фильм, местная адаптация всемирно известного романа Генри Де Вер Стэкпула "Голубая лагуна". И соответственно сюжет такой же: шторм, пустынный пляж, мальчик блуждает в одиночестве. Потом он встречает подругу с папашей, растут вместе. Затем местные туземцы решают сделать их богами но для этого.... Короче всё как в книге и одноимённом фильме но с индонезийским акцентом.
Предупреждаю: качество видео слабое, лучшего пока не найдено.
ID. Pengantin Pantai Biru adalah film Indonesia tahun 1983 dengan disutradarai oleh Wim Umboh serta dibintangi oleh Meriam Bellina dan Sandro Tobing.
Ketika kapal ekspedisi purbakala mendapat musibah, Prof. Hasnan Rasyid dan cucunya Andri terpisah. Sewaktu terdampar di sebuah pulau, Andri bertemu dengan oom Bram (Abdi Wiyono) bersama putrinya, Emi. Mereka bertiga hidup bersama, sampai Emi dan Andri menjelang dewasa (Meriam Bellina dan Sandro Tobing). Suatu ketika Emi dan Andri tertangkap suku primitif. Mereka dianggap sebagai Dewa dan Dewi yang turun ke bumi. Agar mendapat keturunan Dewa dan Dewi, kepala suku primitif memaksa Emi dan Andri untuk kawin dengan putra-putri mereka. menolak permintaan itu, Emi dan Andri nekat melarikan diri.
Oom Bram berhasil mencegat pengejaran dari suku itu, walaupun akhirnya ia tewas. Selama masa persembunyiaanya, Emi dan Andri saling jatuh cinta dan akhirnya mendapatkan seorang anak lelaki yang mereka namakan Ami. Suku primitif terus mencari mereka. Di saat-saat yang kritis, ayah Andri (Darussalam) dan rombongannya datang sebagai penyelamat.
EN. Pengantin Pantai Biru (literally The Bridegroom of Blue Beach) is a 1983 film directed by Wim Umboh, produced by Ferry Angriawan, and starring Meriam Bellina and Sandro Tobing. It follows two castaways, children who grow up with one of their fathers but must fend for themselves after they are captured and deified by natives. Adapted from Henry De Vere Stacpoole's novel The Blue Lagoon, via the film of the same name, Pengantin Pantai Biru introduces several differences to the story.
During a storm, the young man Andri (Sandro Tobing) is separated from his grandfather, Prof. Hasnan Rasyid (Abdi Wiyono), and ultimately drifts onto a deserted beach. After wandering he meets Emi (Meriam Bellina) and her father Bram (Darussalam), who take him in.
Years later, when Andri and Emi have grown up, they are captured by a group of islanders, who assume they are gods. The two tease the islanders, whom they find filthy and smelly, but soon learn that they are to provide god-children for the villagers. They try and escape but are followed, ultimately being rescued by Bram – who dies in the attempt.
On their own and hiding from the restless natives, the two begin to fall in love and eventually have a son, whom they name Ami. They are eventually found by the natives, who chase them. When it seems all hope is lost, Andri's grandfather arrives and rescues them.
Warning: low quality video.
Director: Wim Umboh.
Cast: Abdi Wiyono, Merriem Bellina, Sandro Tobing, Darussalam, Soendjoto Adibroto, Komalasari, Rasyid Subadi.
Indonesia, 1983.
Language: Indonesian.
Download Pengantin Pantai Biru. 1983.
Предупреждаю: качество видео слабое, лучшего пока не найдено.
ID. Pengantin Pantai Biru adalah film Indonesia tahun 1983 dengan disutradarai oleh Wim Umboh serta dibintangi oleh Meriam Bellina dan Sandro Tobing.
Ketika kapal ekspedisi purbakala mendapat musibah, Prof. Hasnan Rasyid dan cucunya Andri terpisah. Sewaktu terdampar di sebuah pulau, Andri bertemu dengan oom Bram (Abdi Wiyono) bersama putrinya, Emi. Mereka bertiga hidup bersama, sampai Emi dan Andri menjelang dewasa (Meriam Bellina dan Sandro Tobing). Suatu ketika Emi dan Andri tertangkap suku primitif. Mereka dianggap sebagai Dewa dan Dewi yang turun ke bumi. Agar mendapat keturunan Dewa dan Dewi, kepala suku primitif memaksa Emi dan Andri untuk kawin dengan putra-putri mereka. menolak permintaan itu, Emi dan Andri nekat melarikan diri.
Oom Bram berhasil mencegat pengejaran dari suku itu, walaupun akhirnya ia tewas. Selama masa persembunyiaanya, Emi dan Andri saling jatuh cinta dan akhirnya mendapatkan seorang anak lelaki yang mereka namakan Ami. Suku primitif terus mencari mereka. Di saat-saat yang kritis, ayah Andri (Darussalam) dan rombongannya datang sebagai penyelamat.
EN. Pengantin Pantai Biru (literally The Bridegroom of Blue Beach) is a 1983 film directed by Wim Umboh, produced by Ferry Angriawan, and starring Meriam Bellina and Sandro Tobing. It follows two castaways, children who grow up with one of their fathers but must fend for themselves after they are captured and deified by natives. Adapted from Henry De Vere Stacpoole's novel The Blue Lagoon, via the film of the same name, Pengantin Pantai Biru introduces several differences to the story.
During a storm, the young man Andri (Sandro Tobing) is separated from his grandfather, Prof. Hasnan Rasyid (Abdi Wiyono), and ultimately drifts onto a deserted beach. After wandering he meets Emi (Meriam Bellina) and her father Bram (Darussalam), who take him in.
Years later, when Andri and Emi have grown up, they are captured by a group of islanders, who assume they are gods. The two tease the islanders, whom they find filthy and smelly, but soon learn that they are to provide god-children for the villagers. They try and escape but are followed, ultimately being rescued by Bram – who dies in the attempt.
On their own and hiding from the restless natives, the two begin to fall in love and eventually have a son, whom they name Ami. They are eventually found by the natives, who chase them. When it seems all hope is lost, Andri's grandfather arrives and rescues them.
Warning: low quality video.
Director: Wim Umboh.
Cast: Abdi Wiyono, Merriem Bellina, Sandro Tobing, Darussalam, Soendjoto Adibroto, Komalasari, Rasyid Subadi.
Indonesia, 1983.
Language: Indonesian.
Download Pengantin Pantai Biru. 1983.
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Pengantin Pantai Biru. 1983. |
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