Триумфальная, ставшая классикой, лента бывшего кинокритика Питера Богдановича, одна из лучших работ в кино в жанре социально-драматической комедии. Встретились два одиночества - он, Моуз Прей, мелкий мошенник и неудачник, втюхивающий скучающим домохозяйкам "подарочные" библии, такой американский вариант Остапа Бендера, и она, 9-летняя сирота Эдди, у которой умерла её мать-проститутка и теперь отправленная в другой штат к родственникам. Быстро выяснилось, что авантюристка из Эдди получается куда лучше чем из Моуза и начинаются их продолжительные скитания по городам и весям Америки в поисках удачи... Романтичная, немного депрессивная, но добрая картина о простых вещах этой жизни.
Кстати в роли Эдди снялась 10-летняя дочь Райана О`Нила и за эту роль она получила Оскара, до сих пор это абсолютный возрастной рекорд в истории этой престижной кинопремии.
«As P.T. Barnum put it, There's a sucker born every minute.»
Paper Moon is a 1973 American comedy-drama film directed by Peter Bogdanovich and released by Paramount Pictures. Screenwriter Alvin Sargent adapted the script from the novel Addie Pray by Joe David Brown. The film, shot in black-and-white, is set in Kansas and Missouri during the Great Depression. It stars the real-life father and daughter pairing of Ryan and Tatum O'Neal as protagonists Moze and Addie.
Adapted from the novel, "Addie Pray" (1971) by Joe David Brown, PAPER MOON is the story of Moses Pray and Addie Loggins. With scenery reminiscent of "The Grapes of Wrath," the film is set in the depression-era Midwestern region of the United States. As the movie opens, we see a small group of mourners clustered at a graveside. Among the mourners is Addie, the dead woman's small daughter. Moses Pray -- ostensibly of the "Kansas Bible Company" -- approaches the group, as the service concludes, and two of the elderly women remark that the child bears some resemblance to him and asks if he might be related. "If ever a child needed kin, it's now," one lady says. With no knowledge of who her father is, Addie's only haven is her Aunt's home in St. Joseph, Missouri. Having identified himself as a "traveling man spreading the Lord's gospel in these troubled times," "Mose" is prevailed upon to deliver the helpless child to her Aunt since he's going that way, anyway. Addie, wise beyond her years...
Director: Peter Bogdanovich.
Cast: Ryan O'Neal, Tatum O'Neal, Madeline Kahn, John Hillerman, P.J. Johnson, Jessie Lee Fulton, James N. Harrell, Lila Waters, Noble Willingham, Bob Young, Jack Saunders, Jody Wilbur, Yvonne Harrison.
USA, 1973.
Language: English, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
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Кстати в роли Эдди снялась 10-летняя дочь Райана О`Нила и за эту роль она получила Оскара, до сих пор это абсолютный возрастной рекорд в истории этой престижной кинопремии.
«As P.T. Barnum put it, There's a sucker born every minute.»
Paper Moon is a 1973 American comedy-drama film directed by Peter Bogdanovich and released by Paramount Pictures. Screenwriter Alvin Sargent adapted the script from the novel Addie Pray by Joe David Brown. The film, shot in black-and-white, is set in Kansas and Missouri during the Great Depression. It stars the real-life father and daughter pairing of Ryan and Tatum O'Neal as protagonists Moze and Addie.
Adapted from the novel, "Addie Pray" (1971) by Joe David Brown, PAPER MOON is the story of Moses Pray and Addie Loggins. With scenery reminiscent of "The Grapes of Wrath," the film is set in the depression-era Midwestern region of the United States. As the movie opens, we see a small group of mourners clustered at a graveside. Among the mourners is Addie, the dead woman's small daughter. Moses Pray -- ostensibly of the "Kansas Bible Company" -- approaches the group, as the service concludes, and two of the elderly women remark that the child bears some resemblance to him and asks if he might be related. "If ever a child needed kin, it's now," one lady says. With no knowledge of who her father is, Addie's only haven is her Aunt's home in St. Joseph, Missouri. Having identified himself as a "traveling man spreading the Lord's gospel in these troubled times," "Mose" is prevailed upon to deliver the helpless child to her Aunt since he's going that way, anyway. Addie, wise beyond her years...
Director: Peter Bogdanovich.
Cast: Ryan O'Neal, Tatum O'Neal, Madeline Kahn, John Hillerman, P.J. Johnson, Jessie Lee Fulton, James N. Harrell, Lila Waters, Noble Willingham, Bob Young, Jack Saunders, Jody Wilbur, Yvonne Harrison.
USA, 1973.
Language: English, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
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Бумажная луна / Paper Moon. 1973. |
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