Совершенно дурацкий фильм, больше похожий на плод больной фантазии человека, застрявшего где то в глубоком детстве на одной из фрейдовских фиксаций: сознательная игра с элементами кича, апелляция к "низким жанрам" и неприхотливым вкусам публики, порой навязчивое использование сексуальных мотивов, любование собственной перверсивностью - всё это присутствует в картине "Титька и луна". Хотя она, к счастью, не лишена остроумия и самоиронии благодаря тому, что всё рассказано с точки зрения наивного маленького мальчика Тете (Tete), мечтающего найти такую титьку (la teta), которая всегда будет поить его молоком, поможет взобраться наверх в акробатическом номере "пирамида" и даже достать недосягаемую луну!
The Tit and the Moon (Spanish: La Teta y la luna) is a 1994 Spanish/French film, directed by Bigas Luna. It entered the competition at the 51st Venice International Film Festival.
The film is about a nine-year-old boy's (Biel Durán as Tete) obsession with women's breasts. Tete becomes jealous of his baby brother who is breast fed by their mother. Tete goes on a personal mission to find the perfect pair of lactating breasts to feed on. Estrellita, a beautiful Portuguese dancer (Mathilda May) arrives in town, the answer to Tete's prayers. Unfortunately for Tete, Estrellita is the attention of many men's affections including her husband Maurice (Gérard Darmon), an older man working as the other half of her travelling act, and attractive Flamenco-singing teenager Miguel (Miguel Poveda). With this amount of competition will Tete fulfil his wish?
Director: Bigas Luna.
Cast: Biel Duran, Mathilda May, Gérard Darmon, Miguel Poveda, Abel Folk, Laura Mañá, Genís Sánchez, Xavier Massé, Victoria Lepori, Xus Estruch, Jane Harvey, Vanessa Isbert, Jordi Busquets, Diego Fernández, Salvador Anglada, Javier Bardem.
Spain, France, 1994.
Language: Russian (Spanish, French).
Перевод: профессиональный двухголосый закадровый.
Download Титька и луна / La teta y la luna / The Tit and the Moon.
The Tit and the Moon (Spanish: La Teta y la luna) is a 1994 Spanish/French film, directed by Bigas Luna. It entered the competition at the 51st Venice International Film Festival.
The film is about a nine-year-old boy's (Biel Durán as Tete) obsession with women's breasts. Tete becomes jealous of his baby brother who is breast fed by their mother. Tete goes on a personal mission to find the perfect pair of lactating breasts to feed on. Estrellita, a beautiful Portuguese dancer (Mathilda May) arrives in town, the answer to Tete's prayers. Unfortunately for Tete, Estrellita is the attention of many men's affections including her husband Maurice (Gérard Darmon), an older man working as the other half of her travelling act, and attractive Flamenco-singing teenager Miguel (Miguel Poveda). With this amount of competition will Tete fulfil his wish?
Director: Bigas Luna.
Cast: Biel Duran, Mathilda May, Gérard Darmon, Miguel Poveda, Abel Folk, Laura Mañá, Genís Sánchez, Xavier Massé, Victoria Lepori, Xus Estruch, Jane Harvey, Vanessa Isbert, Jordi Busquets, Diego Fernández, Salvador Anglada, Javier Bardem.
Spain, France, 1994.
Language: Russian (Spanish, French).
Перевод: профессиональный двухголосый закадровый.
Download Титька и луна / La teta y la luna / The Tit and the Moon.
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Титька и луна / La teta y la luna / The Tit and the Moon. 1994. |
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