Самый мрачный фильм Ивана Ноэля, чёрная вампирская комедия с элементами ужасов и мистики. "Лимбо" - уединенная колония, в которой живут дети-вампиры в возрасте от 4 до 120 лет, которые стали жертвами бессовестных взрослых вампиров. О них заботится глубоко религиозная пожилая медсестра, которая всю свою жизнь посвятила поиску "потерянных душ", чтобы вырастить их в своей колонии для воплощения божественной воли по созданию новой расы людей путём "естественного клонирования" (которое подразумевает, что люди превратятся в вампиров после того, как будут укушены её подопечными). Чтобы помочь в осуществлении этих планов и защитить детей от "людей в чёрном", возглавляемых сыном писателя Брэма Стокера, которому противостоит юный внук графа Дракулы, она приглашает в колонию известную журналистку Алисию Делаторре...
Limbo is a secluded colony of child-vampires who are anything between 4 and 120 years old, all having all been victims of 'shameless' adult vampires. They are led by a formidable and deeply religious old ex-nurse whose destiny in life is to find these 'lost souls', and bring them of age in her colony. Through teaching, religious rituals adapted from the Catholic faith, and the occasional visit to local towns for blood, she is preparing them for what God had in mind for them: the replacement old the common and 'deeply sinful' human, and the creation a new race of men through 'natural cloning', or in more lay terms, their infection by her children. But they are not the only such colony in the world, nor are they as 'secluded' from outside threats as they think.
Director: Iván Noel.
Cast: Ana María Giunta, Toto Muñoz, Sabrina Ramos, Lauro Veron, Ivanser Tzeles, Romano Robaudi, Maxii Leporee.
Argentina, 2013.
Language: Spanish.
1920x1080 HD
Download Limbo / Children of the Night.
Limbo is a secluded colony of child-vampires who are anything between 4 and 120 years old, all having all been victims of 'shameless' adult vampires. They are led by a formidable and deeply religious old ex-nurse whose destiny in life is to find these 'lost souls', and bring them of age in her colony. Through teaching, religious rituals adapted from the Catholic faith, and the occasional visit to local towns for blood, she is preparing them for what God had in mind for them: the replacement old the common and 'deeply sinful' human, and the creation a new race of men through 'natural cloning', or in more lay terms, their infection by her children. But they are not the only such colony in the world, nor are they as 'secluded' from outside threats as they think.
Director: Iván Noel.
Cast: Ana María Giunta, Toto Muñoz, Sabrina Ramos, Lauro Veron, Ivanser Tzeles, Romano Robaudi, Maxii Leporee.
Argentina, 2013.
Language: Spanish.
1920x1080 HD
Download Limbo / Children of the Night.
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Limbo / Children of the Night. 2013. HD. |
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Limbo / Children of the Night. 2013. HD. |
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