Комсомолка, спортсменка и просто красавица Мария Изабель Лопез, бывшая "Мисс Филиппины" в главной роли в жёстком и жестоком фильме Элвуда Переса, который он снимал в первую очередь для того, что бы представить филиппинский кинематограф на Каннском кинофестивале. Бедная заштатная деревушка на берегу океана, здесь до сих пор почти первобытный образ жизни и нравы соответствующие. Бабка главной героини ещё в начале фильма точно обозначила местный уклад: люди целыми днями тяжело работают и единственная отдушина в этой жизни для них - безудержный секс. В деревню приезжает из города сестра местной училки (главной героини) и начинается бардак, все домогаются местного красавца разными способами и такое впечатление, что кроме секса здесь никого и ничто не интересует вне зависимости от возраста. В итоге финал кошмарен: двух сестёр дружно насилуют всей деревней и сжигают прямо в доме живьём...
Всвязи с обилием шокирующих сцен насилия, жестокости и секса просмотр не рекомендован малолетним, слабонервным и просто глупым.
Silip (lit. To witness) is a 1985 Philippine horror sexploitation film written by Ricardo Lee and directed by Elwood Perez. The film was released outside of the Philippines as Daughters of Eve.
In the remote countryside of Ilocos, various women are sexually abused by local men. Two sisters, Tonya (Maria Isabel Lopez), a sexually repressed young woman, and Selda (Sarsi Emmanuelle), a promiscuous woman, meet Simon (Mark Joseph), the most attractive man in the village. Tonya teaches catechism to the children of the village. Selda comes home from the city with her American lover, whom she throws out shortly afterward. She's the exact opposite of Tonya, as her views on sex are more liberal and less guilt-filled. Tonya is secretly sexually attracted to Simon, but she refuses his sexual advances.
In the remote countryside of Ilongo, various women are sexually abused by local men. Two sisters, meet Simon, the most attractive man in the village.
This movie was produced during the era of the Experimental Cinema of the Philippine when some starlets in local show business were exploited to create sex-oriented movies. Marcos was still in power, and maybe this passed his approval to divert Filipinos from the worsening political and economic problems. Most of these experimental cinema allowed "pene" so don't be surprised if the there were actual "penetration" in this movie.
Director: Elwood Perez.
Cast: Sarsi Emmanuelle, Maria Isabel Lopez, Myra Manibog, Mark Joseph, Daren Craig Johnson, Pia Zabale, Michael Locsin, Arwin Rogelio, Jenneelyn Gatbalite, Gloria Andrade, Jimmy Reyes, Arthur Cassanova, Chabeng Contreras, Cheriebee Santos, Lea Zabale.
Philippines, 1985.
Language: Tagalog, English, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Перевод: авторский одноголосый закадровый.
Download Силип / Дочери Евы / Silip / Daughters of Eve.
Всвязи с обилием шокирующих сцен насилия, жестокости и секса просмотр не рекомендован малолетним, слабонервным и просто глупым.
Silip (lit. To witness) is a 1985 Philippine horror sexploitation film written by Ricardo Lee and directed by Elwood Perez. The film was released outside of the Philippines as Daughters of Eve.
In the remote countryside of Ilocos, various women are sexually abused by local men. Two sisters, Tonya (Maria Isabel Lopez), a sexually repressed young woman, and Selda (Sarsi Emmanuelle), a promiscuous woman, meet Simon (Mark Joseph), the most attractive man in the village. Tonya teaches catechism to the children of the village. Selda comes home from the city with her American lover, whom she throws out shortly afterward. She's the exact opposite of Tonya, as her views on sex are more liberal and less guilt-filled. Tonya is secretly sexually attracted to Simon, but she refuses his sexual advances.
In the remote countryside of Ilongo, various women are sexually abused by local men. Two sisters, meet Simon, the most attractive man in the village.
This movie was produced during the era of the Experimental Cinema of the Philippine when some starlets in local show business were exploited to create sex-oriented movies. Marcos was still in power, and maybe this passed his approval to divert Filipinos from the worsening political and economic problems. Most of these experimental cinema allowed "pene" so don't be surprised if the there were actual "penetration" in this movie.
Director: Elwood Perez.
Cast: Sarsi Emmanuelle, Maria Isabel Lopez, Myra Manibog, Mark Joseph, Daren Craig Johnson, Pia Zabale, Michael Locsin, Arwin Rogelio, Jenneelyn Gatbalite, Gloria Andrade, Jimmy Reyes, Arthur Cassanova, Chabeng Contreras, Cheriebee Santos, Lea Zabale.
Philippines, 1985.
Language: Tagalog, English, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Перевод: авторский одноголосый закадровый.
Download Силип / Дочери Евы / Silip / Daughters of Eve.
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Силип / Дочери Евы / Silip / Daughters of Eve. 1985. DVD. |
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Силип / Дочери Евы / Silip / Daughters of Eve. 1985. DVD. |
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