
CineMonsteR - collection of the most rare and scandal films of world cinema.


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Reka / The River. 2002. FULL-HD.

Reka / The River. 2002. FULL-HD.
A very unusual and atmospheric film about the life of the dying northern tribes of the Yakut people.
The end of the 19th century, a tiny colony of lepers in the remote Yakut taiga. A healthy girl who accidentally got here - a thief and a hunter - falls in love with one of the sick, still a young guy, and is expecting a child from him. But suddenly his wife comes to him from the "mainland", and tragedy is brewing in this strange love triangle...
The film by Alexey Balabanov based on the novel by the Polish writer Wacław Sieroszewski, was filmed by more than half. However, after a car accident on November 21, 2000, in which the lead actress Tuyara Svinoboeva died, filming was stopped. Only a year later, the director edited the footage and commented behind the scenes for the missing scenes.
Director: Aleksey Balabanov.
Cast: Tuyara Svinoboeva, Mikhail Scryabin, Vasily Borisov, Anna Flegontova, Maria Kychkina, Maria Kanaeva, Spartak Fedotov.
Russia, СТВ, 2002.
Language: Russian, Yakut.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Reka / The River. 2002.
Reka / The River. 2002. FULL-HD.
Reka / The River. 2002. FULL-HD.


Thursday, March 24, 2022

Pianke. 1983. FULL-HD.

Pianke. 1983. FULL-HD.
DE. Pianke ist ein Spielfilm der DEFA im Auftrag des Fernsehens der DDR von Gunter Friedrich aus dem Jahr 1983 nach dem Roman Pianke von Peter Abraham aus dem Jahr 1981.
Zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs bewegt sich auf einem Fluss ein Segelboot zwischen den kämpfenden Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht und der sowjetischen Roten Armee. Als die deutschen Geschütze das Boot ins Visier nehmen, beginnen die Insassen das Volkslied Der Mai ist gekommen zu singen, worauf der Beschuss eingestellt wird. Nun wird die Geschichte erzählt, wie es zu dieser Situation kam, die etwa zwei Jahre vorher begann.
Herr Groß sitzt mit seinem Sohn Andreas im Luftschutzkeller seines Hauses. Nach der Entwarnung bekommt er von einem Luftschutzhelfer den Hinweis, dass vor seiner Wohnung zwei Polizisten in Zivil warten. Deshalb gehen die beiden nicht nach oben, sondern in eine Gartenlaube, die Andreas Vater bereits besorgt hatte. Auf dem Weg dorthin erklärt der Vater die Gründe des Ortswechsels, die politischer Natur sind und dass Andreas ab sofort Diethelm Krüger heißt. In der Kleingartenkolonie werden sie von dem neugierigen Blockwart Herms ausgehorcht, dem sich der Vater als Mitarbeiter Heinrich Hoffmanns, des Hausfotografen Adolf Hitlers ausgibt. Die Hoffnung des Jungen, ab nun nicht mehr zur Schule gehen zu müssen, erfüllt sich leider nicht. Der Lehrer verpasst ihm auch gleich einen neuen Spitznamen. Da er nicht sehr kräftig gebaut ist, nennt er ihn Pianke, was in der Mark der Ausdruck für Schwindelweizen ist...
EN. Rare war film from the former Socialist Germany, the story of a young German boy and his father who befriend a Jewish family...
Director: Gunter Friedrich.
Cast: Lars Bittner, Helga Goring, Alexander Heidenreich, Renate Heymer, Volkmar Kleinert, Stefan Lisewski, Henrik Losch, Eileen Meyer, Horst Schulze, Hans Teuscher, Helga Göring, Simone von Zglinicki, Roland Kuchenbuch.
DDR, DEFA, 1983.
Language: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Pianke. 1983.
Pianke. 1983. FULL-HD.
Pianke. 1983. FULL-HD.


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Utolsó padban / In the last bench. 1976. HD.

Utolsó padban / In the last bench. 1976. HD.
A better version of this movie has been found, in HD now.
HU. Az Utolsó padban 1975-ban bemutatott magyar ifjúsági film Kende Márta rendezésében.
Lakatos Kati, a cigány kislány falujából felköltözik Budapestre, s izgatottan várja az első napot az iskolában. Mezítláb indul útnak, legszebb cigányos szoknyájában. A tanárnő, Györgyi néni kedvesen fogadja őt, azonban osztálytársai nem akarnak Kati mellé ülni, így a lány az utolsó padba kerül.
EN. A young Gypsy girl moves to the city with her family, only to be faced with racial prejudice.
Director: Kende Márta.
Cast: Etelka Imre, Ernõ Mitzi, Sándor Téri, Ferenc Zenthe, Irén Varga, Piroska Molnár, Bertalan Solti, Kati Egri, Hedvig Demeter, Hanna Loránd, Mária Rákosi, Pál Digner, Sándor László, Zsuzsa Szigeti, János Szatmári.
Hungary, Magyar Televízió Müvelödési Föszerkesztöség, 1975.
Language: Hungarian.
1280x720 HD
Download Utolsó padban / In the last bench. 1976.
Utolsó padban / In the last bench. 1976. HD.
Utolsó padban / In the last bench. 1976. HD.


Saturday, March 19, 2022

Les années lycée: Petites / Little Girls. 1997.

Les années lycée: Petites / Little Girls. 1997.
FR. Inès, Stella, Marion et Emilie ou comment quatre filles se lient d’amitié et ne se quittent plus. Comment elles vivent en bande les années de leur adolescence. Comment cette rencontre change leur vie et leur personne.
EN. Emilie, Stella, Inès, and Marion come from different social classes. They have formed a "little gang". The way their lives go along is marked by funny or tragic episodes. Emilie's mother leaves. Stella's dog dies. Someone steals the skeleton of a fetus from a high school laboratory. As time passes, the four friends take up more serious affairs. Each of them chooses a "love" - an ideal, inaccessible fiancee chosen from among the "big kids" -, that is, the boys from the upper grades. As they grow up together, Emilie, Stella, Inès, and Marion feel more and more inseparable.
Director: Noémie Lvovsky.
Czst: Ingrid Molinier, Julie-Marie Parmentier, Camille Rousselet, Magali Woch, Jean-Luc Bideau, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Marie-Armelle Deguy, Eric Elmosnino, Christine Fersen, Daniel Martin, Lou Castel.
France, 1997.
Language: French.
Download Les années lycée: Petites / Little Girls. 1997.
Les années lycée: Petites / Little Girls. 1997.
Les années lycée: Petites / Little Girls. 1997.


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

L'Esprit de famille. 1979.

L'Esprit de famille. 1979.
FR. La chronique d'une famille unie : le père, médecin généraliste, la mère, artiste à ses heures et leurs quatre filles, dont Pauline, 17 ans en Terminale qui rêve de devenir romancière. Pauline vit sa première passion amoureuse avec Pierre, un peintre plus âgé qu'elle. Quand elle apprend qu'il est déjà marié et père d'une fillette, Pauline s'efface et retrouve sa place au sein de sa famille.
EN. Pauline, Cécile, Claire and Bernadette, young adolescent girls are gradually discovering the adult world and its disappointments. Between an impossible love, running away and multiple arguments, parents no longer know where to turn.
Director: Jean-Pierre Blanc.
Cast: Michel Serrault, Nicole Courcel, Pascale Rocard, Laurence de Monaghan, Martine Legrand, Michèle Kornbluh, Aude Landry, Jean-Marie Proslier, Sylvain Joubert, Dave, Emmanuelle Brunschwig.
France, 1979.
Language: French.
Download L'Esprit de famille. 1979.
L'Esprit de famille. 1979.
L'Esprit de famille. 1979.


Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Le nouveau monde / New World. 1995.

Le nouveau monde / New World. 1995.
 Born in 1943 during German occupation of their French town, Patrick and Marie-José have been best friends; now teens, they experiment with sex, which doesn't seem to bring them closer. Patrick has also taken to American jazz, hanging out at a nearby Army base where he picks up the drums and comes to the attention of a Caberra, a brutish American sergeant who enjoys starting fights with Black soldiers. Caberra gives Patrick a drum kit, talks to him about life, and introduces him around. Patrick meets Trudy, an American teen who loves Buddy Holly. Marie-José is jealous and establishes her own liaison. What of Patrick and Marie-José's pact to be friends forever?
Director: Alain Corneau.
Cast: Nicolas Chatel, Sarah Grappin, James Gandolfini, Alicia Silverstone, Guy Marchand, Baptiste Trotignon, Sylvie Granotier, Simon Mary, Ronald Baker, Roger Dumas, Dany Brillant, Joe Sheridan.
France, 1995.
Languages: French, English.
Subtitles: English.
Download Le nouveau monde / New World. 1995.
Le nouveau monde / New World. 1995.
Le nouveau monde / New World. 1995.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Va, petite! 2002.

Va, petite! 2002.
FR. Va, petite ! est un film franco-belge réalisé par Alain Guesnier et sorti en 2002.
Une petite ville portuaire en France. Parce qu'elle refuse d'aller en pension à la rentrée scolaire, Marie, 12 ans, décide de quitter la maison de ses parents. Au même moment, François, 35 ans, débarque pour retrouver la femme de sa vie. Après cinq années passées en mer, François a «le mal de terre». Sa rencontre avec un pompier avec qui il sympathise au cours d'une violente manifestation lui vaut d'être embarqué par les forces de police. Il s'évade rapidement et se retrouve en cavale. Le hasard lui fait croiser le chemin de Marie, à la recherche d'une monde sans mensonge et d'un père adoptif. Tous deux se retrouvent embarqués dans une série d'aventures...
EN. Marie is twelve. When she must return to boarding school after summer vacation, she runs away. After five years at sea, François, 35, anchors ship with the aim of getting together with the woman of his dreams. But he feels uneasy with solid ground beneath his feet and takes to his heels. He and Marie cross paths. She’s a runaway kid looking for a world steadfast and true... and a dad to adopt.
Director: Alain Guesnier.
Cast: Julie Julien, Laurent Lucas, Marianne Basler, Jean-Claude Drouot, Frédéric Pierrot, Philippe Fretun, Ysé Montserrat, Pierre Berriau, Loïc Devaux, Younesse Boudache, Jean Bailloux, Patrick Bonneau.
Belgium, France, Morocco, 2002.
Language: French.
Download Va, petite! 2002.
Va, petite! 2002.
Va, petite! 2002.


Sunday, March 13, 2022

Apflickorna / She Monkeys. 2011. DVD.

Apflickorna / She Monkeys. 2011. FULL-HD.

 She Monkeys (Swedish: Apflickorna) is a 2011 Swedish drama film directed by Lisa Aschan, starring Mathilda Paradeiser, Linda Molin and Isabella Lindqvist. The film focuses on psychological power struggles between two teenage girls engaged in equestrian vaulting.
«She Monkeys is a modern western about power, sex, and creatures.»
When Emma meets Cassandra, they initiate a relationship filled with physical and psychological challenges. Emma does whatever it takes to master the rules of the game. Lines are crossed and the stakes get higher and higher. Despite this, Emma can't resist the intoxicating feeling of total control.
Director: Lisa Aschan.
Cast: Mathilda Paradeiser, Linda Molin, Isabella Lindquist, Sergej Merkusjev, Adam Lundgren, Sigmund Hovind, Kevin Caicedo Vega, Nasrin Pakkho, Rebecka Ahlström, Maria Hedborg, Malin Müller, Johanna Bergstedt.
Sweden, 2011.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Apflickorna / She Monkeys. 2011. 

Apflickorna / She Monkeys. 2011. FULL-HD.
Apflickorna / She Monkeys. 2011. FULL-HD.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Premiers désirs / First Desires. 1983. FULL-HD.

Premiers désirs / First Desires. 1983. FULL-HD.
First Desires or Premier Désirs (original French title) is a 1983 French/West German film and the last film directed by photographer David Hamilton.
Three teenage girls decide to visit a romantic island and find love. They get shipwrecked and end up on different sides of the island. Each girl begins her own romantic adventure either with a man, a boy or even another girl...
Many images from the film First Desires appear in Hamilton's collections, including Twenty Five Years of an Artist.
Director: David Hamilton.
Cast: Monica Broeke, Patrick Bauchau, Inge Maria Granzow, Anja Schüte, Emmanuelle Béart, Bruno Guillain, Stephane Freiss, Charly Chemouny, Serge Marquand, Nathalie Defendente, Raymond Defendente, Hélène Lefumat.
France, Germany, 1983.
Language: French.
Subtitles: Japanese, Chinese.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Dоwnload Premiers désirs / First Desires. 1983:
2 parts archive:
Premiers désirs / First Desires. 1983. FULL-HD.
Premiers désirs / First Desires. 1984. FULL-HD.
Premiers désirs / First Desires. 1984. FULL-HD.
Premiers désirs / First Desires. 1984. FULL-HD.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

La ballata dei lavavetri / The Ballad of the Windshield Washers. 1998.

La ballata dei lavavetri / The Ballad of the Windshield Washers. 1998.
 The Ballad of the Windshield Washers (Italian: La ballata dei lavavetri) is a 1998 Italian drama film directed by Peter Del Monte. It is based on a novel by Edoardo Albinati. It was screened out of competition at the 59th Venice International Film Festival.
 Peter Del Monte directed this Italian drama about Polish immigrants in Rome, adapted from E. Albinati's novel, The Polish Car Window Cleaner. When Janusz arrives in Rome with his family, they seek employment while awaiting visas to travel on to Canada. The men in the family clean windshields of vehicles stuck in Rome's massive traffic jams. Attractive daughter Justyna, who takes care of an ill child, has a run-in with rapists. Janusz mysteriously vanishes, and his son Rafal (Kim Rossi Stuart) fears he is dead. Janusz' demented brother Zygmunt begins to wander about the city. Janusz is on the brink of happiness with a beautiful Bulgarian, Irina, when a botched robbery results in his being charged with murder. Shown at the 1998 Venice Film Festival.
Director: Peter Del Monte.
Cast: Aleksander Mincer, Agata Buzek, Kim Rossi Stuart, Andrzej Grabowski, Grazyna Wolszczak, Elzhana Popova, Romuald Andrzej Klos, Stefan Burczyk, Lavinia Guglielman, Jerzy Jogalla, Elzhana Popova.
Italy, 1998.
Language: Italian.
Here are two versions of the video:
DVD-Rip, mkv 1024x576
DVD-Rip, mpg 720x576
Download La ballata dei lavavetri / The Ballad of the Windshield Washers. 1998. V-1.
Download La ballata dei lavavetri / The Ballad of the Windshield Washers. 1998. V-2.
La ballata dei lavavetri / The Ballad of the Windshield Washers. 1998.
La ballata dei lavavetri / The Ballad of the Windshield Washers. 1998.


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Verso sera / Towards Evening. 1990. HD.

Verso sera / Towards Evening. 1990. HD.
Towards Evening (Italian: Verso sera) is a 1990 Italian drama film directed by Francesca Archibugi. It was entered into the 17th Moscow International Film Festival. For her performance Zoe Incrocci was awarded with a David di Donatello for Best Supporting Actress and a Silver Ribbon in the same category. The film also won the David di Donatello for Best Film and the Nastro d'Argento for Best Actor (to Marcello Mastroianni).
Professor Ludovico Bruschi is an elderly Communist whose desire is that of living in an orderly and socially just State. But disorder is just about to break into his life, first of all in the shape of his granddaughter Papere and then in that of Papere's mother Stella, his son's companion. The relationship between Oliviero, Bruschi's son, and Stella has come to an end perhaps because of the extreme youth of the two lovers. Now Professor Bruschi is obliged to come to terms with the gloomy, ignorant, offended Stella whose head is full of false and destructive ideals and who disturbs his way of living out daily life...
Director: Francesca Archibugi.
Cast: Marcello Mastroianni, Sandrine Bonnaire, Zoe Incrocci, Giorgio Tirabassi, Victor Cavallo, Antonella Attili, Lara Pranzoni, Veronica Lazar, Giovanna Ralli, Fernando Pannullo.
Italy, France, 1990.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Verso sera / Towards Evening. 1990.
Verso sera / Towards Evening. 1990. HD.
Verso sera / Towards Evening. 1990. HD.


Saturday, March 5, 2022

Le voleur d'enfants / The Children Thief. 1991. DVD.

Le voleur d'enfants / The Children Thief. 1991. DVD.
FR. Le Voleur d'enfants est un film franco-italo-espagnol réalisé par Christian de Chalonge, sorti en 1991. Il s'inspire du roman Le Voleur d'enfants.
En 1925, le colonel Philemon Bigua, cinquante ans, est un riche argentin, exile politique, qui ne rêve que de retourner vivre dans son pays ou il fut jadis un héros. Comme il ne peut pas avoir d'enfant, il vole ceux des autres. Pas n'importe lesquels cependant : des enfants martyrs, et uniquement des garçons. Il s'est recrée ainsi une famille qui l'idolâtre, car le colonel est charmant. il n'impose aucune contraintes : ses petites "victimes" sont libres de rester ou de la quitter .
Tout va pour le mieux jusqu'au jour ouu un ami dans le besoin lui vend sa fille Gabrielle, agee de 16 ans.
EN. In 1925 Paris, the Colonel kidnaps unhappy or abandoned boys, providing them and his wife with comfort and joy in his rich mansion. Then things become complicated when he adopts a girl.
Director: Christian de Chalonge.
Cast: Marcello Mastroianni, Ángela Molina, Michel Piccoli, Virginie Ledoyen, Loïc Even, Nada Strancar, Cécile Pallas, Daniel Martin, Gabriele Tinti, Massimo Giuliani, Caspar Salmon, Benjamin Doat.
France, Italy, Spain, 1991.
Language: French.
Download DVD Le voleur d'enfants / The Children Thief. 1991.
Le voleur d'enfants / The Children Thief. 1991. DVD.
Le voleur d'enfants / The Children Thief. 1991. DVD.


Friday, March 4, 2022

L'école est finie. 1979.

L'école est finie. 1979.
Julien Villebois (Bertrand Waintrop) a 15 ans, ses doigts sont tachés d'encre et il porte un gros cartable sur le dos. Il vit entre le Lycée et, justement, l'atelier de sculpture d'Erick, son cousin, avec son charme désuet, ses statues inachevées et ses baies ouvrant sur un jardin en friche. Entre les deux décors, la maison, et sa mère qui ne font parties d'aucun des deux mondes. Nathalie Thuillier (Corinne Dacla), elle, a seize ans et travaille, seule, par correspondance. Pour Nathalie les études s'achèvent déjà. Elle vit avec sa mère qui tient un petit commerce et avec son grand-père. Elle aussi connait l'atelier d'Erick, lequel se transforme parfois en professeur de piano pour gagner sa vie. C'est donc là que Nathalie et Julien se rencontreront, se découvriront et s'aimeront. Ils vivront quelques instants d'un automne qui leur paraitra éternel. Et, pour aller jusqu'au bout de sa tendresse, le très jeune couple décide d'avoir un enfant.
Director: Olivier Nolin.
Cast: Corinne Dacla, Bertrand Waintrop, Catherine Rouvel, Hélène Vincent, François Nocher, Jean-Luc Moreau, Elisabeth Kaza, Régis Outin, Charly Chemouny, Laurent Andrieux.
France, 1979.
Language: French.
Download L'école est finie. 1979.
L'école est finie. 1979.
L'école est finie. 1979.