
CineMonsteR - collection of the most rare and scandal films of world cinema.


Monday, October 31, 2022

Bare en lek / Just a Game. 1996.

Bare en lek / Just a Game. 1996.
Vinner av Juryens spesialpris av Drama Internasjonale Kortfilmfestival, Hellas.
Filmatisering av novellen Mannen i Buskene av Nordisk Råds Litteraturprisvinner Merethe Lindstrøm.
Fluenes herre i i pubertal taktil jenteversjon. En lummer dag på stranden vikles en gruppe jenter inn et nådeløst spill over makt og seksualitet.
Ledet av en bråmoden Lolita stereotyp i utleverende sølvbikini går de på jakt etter en kikker i buskene. Alle jentene raskt med på den aggressive leken. Den eneste motsatsen er den sky og filmende Benny. Hennes amatørfilming bryter med filmens villede glossy forherligende stil.
Hva skjer idet de finner en mann i buskene?
Hvor langt klarer leder Eva å presse de andre?
Stoffligheten i filmen gjør ubehaget enda større. Klebende sand, skinnende hud, blinkende vann. Nærbilde av slurpende munner. Maur over ansikt. Mørke grumsede undervanns scener.
Director: Ellen Lande.
Cast: Alexandra Aga Ulvestad, Maria Sand Gustavson, Ingar Helge Gimle , Renate Hast, Camilla Vislie, Eline Smith.
Norway, 1996.
Language: Norwegian.
Download Bare en lek / Just a Game. 1996.
Bare en lek / Just a Game. 1996.
Bare en lek / Just a Game. 1996.


Friday, October 28, 2022

Fucking 14. 2004.

Fucking 14. 2004.
DK. På sin 14-års fødselsdag får Laura besøg af sin mors ven, modefotografen Asger, som Laura altid har været fascineret af. Asger skal fotografere Laura, hvilket hendes mor, Henriette, længe har set frem til – til trods for en voksende jalousi til den smukke datter. Men hvad Henriette ikke ved, er, at Lauras følelser for Asger er ved at ændre sig. Det sætter spor i forholdet mellem mor og datter i form af et opgør og en konkurrence, som skaber stærke udfordringer for Laura. Mødet med Asger og modelmiljøet bliver en introduktion til voksenlivet og en opdagelse af seksualiteten. Hun mærker begæret for første gang og oplever samtidig magten, der følger med.
EN. 14-year-old Cecilie is both frustrated and fascinated by her dawning sexuality.
Director: Christina Rosendahl.
Cast: Anders Heinrichsen, Ida Hilario Jønsson, Linda Laursen, Emma Leth, Cyron Melville, Amalie Rendtorff-Smith, Jens Jørn Spottag.
Denmark, 2004.
Language: Danish.
Download Fucking 14. 2004.
Fucking 14. 2004.
Fucking 14. 2004.


Thursday, October 27, 2022

Du und icke und Berlin. 1978. FULL-HD.

Du und icke und Berlin. 1978. FULL-HD.
Du und icke und Berlin ist ein deutscher Fernsehfilm von Eberhard Schäfer aus dem Jahr 1977.
Der heitere Fernsehfilm von 1977 bot den Zuschauern ein Wiedersehen mit beliebten Darstellern in einer Geschichte über zwei Freunde, die durch den Einfluss der Liebe in einige Verwirrungen geraten, an deren Ende aber die wahre Liebe den rechten Weg weist. Schauplatz des ganzen war Berlin, die Hauptstadt der DDR, deren Straßen und Plätze, Häuser und Wohnungen.
Und mitten drin in diesem Milieu lebt Ulrike Busch (Susanne Linser), ein zehnjähriges Mädchen, dass mit Energie und Zielstrebigkeit nach einem neuen Vater sucht. Als Ulrike zusammen mit ihrem Schulfreund den aus Mühlhausen stammenden Bauarbeiter Dieter Körber (Jürgen Heinrich) kennen lernt, ist sie überzeugt, dass dieser ihr neuer Vater sein könnte. Nun gilt es, Ulrikes Mutter (Micaëla Kreißler) mit sanfter Hand zu ihrem neuen Glück zu führen. Dass dabei auch der sympathische Großvater Karl (Gerhard Bienert) mit einbezogen wird, darf an dieser Stelle nicht unerwähnt bleiben.
Diese TV-Produktion galt in der Zeit ihres Entstehens als gelungenes Werk, vom realen Sozialismus zu berichten, von der Geborgenheit und Zukunftsgewissheit der Menschen in der DDR, und sie war zudem der wiederholte Versuch, der Hauptstadt Berlin eine Liebeserklärung zu offerieren.
Director: Eberhard Schäfer.
Cast: Jürgen Heinrich, Susanne Linser, Micaela Kreißler, Gerhard Bienert, Ursula Braun, Rolf Herricht, Elvira Schuster, Jürgen Zartmann, Evelyn Opoczynski, Ingeborg Krabbe, Werner Senftleben, Klaus Bamberg, Liselott Baumgarten.
DDR, DEFA, 1977.
Language: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Du und icke und Berlin. 1978.
Du und icke und Berlin. 1978. FULL-HD.
Du und icke und Berlin. 1978. FULL-HD.

Du und icke und Berlin. 1978. FULL-HD.
Du und icke und Berlin. 1978. FULL-HD.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Fjorten år og to nætter / Fourteen years and two nights. 2011.

Fjorten år og to nætter / Fourteen years and two nights. 2011.
On her 14th birthday, Laura is visited by her mother's friend, the fashion photographer Asger, who Laura has always been fascinated by. Asger has to photograph Laura, which her mother, Henriette, has been looking forward to for a long time - despite a growing jealousy of the beautiful daughter. But what Henriette doesn't know is that Laura's feelings for Asger are changing. It leaves traces in the relationship between mother and daughter in the form of a showdown and a competition, which creates strong challenges for Laura. The meeting with Asger and the model environment becomes an introduction to adult life and a discovery of sexuality. She feels the desire for the first time and at the same time experiences the power that comes with it.
Director: Jeanette Nordahl.
Cast: Dorte Limkilde, Igor Rado, Marie Louise Wille.
Danmark, 2011.
Language: Danish.
Download Fjorten år og to nætter / Fourteen years and two nights. 2011.
Fjorten år og to nætter / Fourteen years and two nights. 2011.
Fjorten år og to nætter / Fourteen years and two nights. 2011.


Femmes / Mujeres / Women. 1983. HD.

Femmes / Mujeres / Women. 1983. HD.
Helmut is fed up traveling around he world. Coming back from Asia, he decides to stay some time in Alenxandra's house, a long time friend. She is living on a beautiful island where she is doing art. From his travels, Helmut brought back some old manuscript about secret rites that he decides to share with Alexandra after restarting a sexual relationship with her.
Director: Tana Kaleya.
Cast: Helmut Berger, Alexandra Stewart, Dirke Altevogt, Tina Sportolaro, Eva Cobo, José Luis de Vilallonga.
Spain, France, 1983.
Language: Spanish.
1280x720 HD
Download Femmes / Mujeres / Women. 1983.
Femmes / Mujeres / Women. 1983. HD.
Femmes / Mujeres / Women. 1983. HD.


Monday, October 24, 2022

Buio / Darkness. 2019. FULL-HD.

Buio / Darkness. 2019. FULL-HD.
It's the story of Stella, a young girl living with her father and two little sisters in an isolated house with bolted windows. Because of a solar explosion occurred years before, the man is the only one able to get out of the house. But his version of the truth seems to hide a huge lie.
Director: Emanuela Rossi.
Cast: Valerio Binasco, Denise Tantucci, Gaia Bocci, Rebecca Caria, Giulia Falsone, Anna Filosa, Francesco Genovese, Elettra Dallimore Mallaby, Fulvia Roggero, Olimpia Tosatto.
Italy, 2019.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Buio / Darkness. 2019.
Buio / Darkness. 2019. FULL-HD.
Buio / Darkness. 2019. FULL-HD.

Buio / Darkness. 2019. FULL-HD.
Buio / Darkness. 2019. FULL-HD.


Saturday, October 22, 2022

De Lucht in mijn Keel / The Air in my Throat. 2012. HD.

De Lucht in mijn Keel / The Air in my Throat. 2012. HD.
'The Air in My Throat' shows a summer day in the life of Elle (12), but what has taken place in the previous months, shimmers through the house. Something is wrong with the family, but they just keep on living, without talking about it. Meanwhile Elle tries killing time. It's summer. It's hot. There is nothing to do. She wanders around the house, discovering clothes from her mother, molesting barbies and spying on the neighbors. In the meantime, the reality slowly seeps inside the house. The unsaid is like a veil on the family and it is the basis of the sorrow that Elle struggles with.
Director: Ann-Julie Vervaeke.
Cast: Fientje Desart, Kimke Desart, Günther Lesage.
Belgium, 2012.
Language: Dutch.
1280c720 HD
Download De Lucht in mijn Keel / The Air in my Throat. 2012. 
De Lucht in mijn Keel / The Air in my Throat. 2012. HD.
De Lucht in mijn Keel / The Air in my Throat. 2012. HD.


Heup-yeon mo-nyuh / Smoke-Flavored Life. 2004.

Heup-yeon mo-nyuh / Smoke-Flavored Life. 2004.
Younghee, 7 year-old girl. She smokes out of curiosity. Her mother smokes herself into composure. One day, Younghee's father who is cheating on his wife beats his wife and daughter to run away from home. Younghee and her mother share something special to comfort each other.
Director: Eun-jung Ryou.
Cast: Jung-in Choi, Young-jong Choi, Seung-jin Han, Eun Heo, Yun-woo Hwang, Suk-li Joung, Jong-Hang Kim, Jong-kyu Kim, Sun-Yuop Kim, Ji-ha Lee.
South Korea, 2004.
Language: Korean.
Subtitles: English.
Download Heup-yeon mo-nyuh / Smoke-Flavored Life. 2004.
Heup-yeon mo-nyuh / Smoke-Flavored Life. 2004.
Heup-yeon mo-nyuh / Smoke-Flavored Life. 2004.


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Aurora. 2017. FULL-HD.

Aurora. 2017. FULL-HD.

 Aurora is a 12-year-old girl who is experiencing a constant pain in her stomach during swimming lessons. The coach asks the girls to jump into the water. While trying to hide from all the pressure and the discomfort in her body, Aurora falls into the pool by accident, not knowing of the bodily transformation from girl to woman that awaits her.
When Aurora leaves the pool, she'll have to face another kind of attention from society.
Director: Anais Delgado.
Cast: Isabella Bayas Delagado, Ángel Gavilanes,Anais Delagado.
Ecuador, 2017.
Language: Spanish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Aurora. 2017.

Aurora. 2017. FULL-HD.
Aurora. 2017. FULL-HD.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

郊遊 / Jiao You / Stray Dogs. 2013. FULL-HD.

郊遊 / Jiao You / Stray Dogs. 2013. FULL-HD.
Stray Dogs (Chinese: ˈ郊遊, French: Les Chiens errants) is a 2013 Taiwanese-French drama film. The Chinese title of the film is Jiaoyou, which means "Excursion." It was written and directed by Tsai Ming-liang and starred Lee Kang-sheng
An alcoholic man and his two young children barely survive in Taipei. They cross path with a lonely grocery clerk who might help them make a better life.
Stray Dogs is a film about patience – the patience of the characters trying to survive in Taiwan’s lower class urban belly, as well as the patience of the audience watching. The film tracks a poor, nameless family’s life over a few days’ time. There is the father (Lee Kang-sheng), whose job is to hold up signs advertising high-end condominiums along the highway; his twelve-year-old son (Li Yi-cheng) and six-year-old daughter (Lu Yi-ching), who spend their days exploring riverbeds and looking at groceries in the supermarket; and a female supermarket worker (Chen Shiang-chyi), who feeds stray dogs inside an abandoned building at night. The characters’ actions intertwine and the audience is given a look into the harsh realities facing Taiwan today.
Director: 蔡明亮 / Ming-liang Tsai.
Cast: Shiang-chyi Chen, Kang-sheng Lee, Yi Cheng Lee, Yi Chieh Lee, Yi-Ching Lu, Jin-kai Wu, Yang Kuei-mei.
Taiwan, France, 2013.
Language: Mandarin.
Subtitles: English.
1920х1080 FULL-HD
Download 郊遊 / Jiao You / Stray Dogs. 2013.
郊遊 / Jiao You / Stray Dogs. 2013. FULL-HD.
郊遊 / Jiao You / Stray Dogs. 2013. FULL-HD.


Monday, October 17, 2022

Hajvágás / Haircut. 2013. FULL-HD.

Hajvágás / Haircut. 2013. FULL-HD.
This documentary short film about a widowed mother describes the hardships of raising five young boys in poverty in rural Hungary.
Director: János Domokos.
Hungary, 2013.

Language: Hungarian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Hajvágás / Haircut. 2013.
Hajvágás / Haircut. 2013. FULL-HD.
Hajvágás / Haircut. 2013. FULL-HD.


Sunday, October 16, 2022

Taram Tarambola. 2014. FULL-HD.

Taram Tarambola. 2014. FULL-HD.
Summer 1995, a small countryside pub. Emilie and Anna, two young sisters, wait for a father who isn't arriving. To avoid having to face up to the harsh reality, they invent a magical world in which anything can happen. The best as well as the worst.
Director: Maria Castillejo Carmen.
Cast: Sam Louwyck, Nora Alberdi, Hervé Dubois, Coline Dubus, Kevin Dudjasienski, Fantine Harduin, Ixyane Lété, Chantal Pirotte.
Belgium, 2014.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Taram Tarambola. 2014.
Taram Tarambola. 2014. FULL-HD.
Taram Tarambola. 2014. FULL-HD.


Friday, October 14, 2022

Meztelen vagy / The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men. 1972.

Meztelen vagy / The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men. 1972.
HU. Gera, a sikeres cigány festő otthagyja kivételezett helyzetét és festményei elégetése után visszatér nyomorban tengődő társai közé. Az a terve, hogy megreformálja a cigányok életét. De senki sem lehet próféta a saját hazájában. Szándékait, céljait nem értik meg, és nem tud hatni a többiekre. Aztán egy öngyilkos kislány halotti torán elszabadulnak az indulatok...
A film a cigányság 70-es évekbeli világának dokumentarista jellegű bemutatása.
EN. The director of Meztelen Vagy was imprisoned for many years during the latter part of the Stalin era and is known for his highly imagistic and symbolic storytelling techniques. This film tells its story in the same way, and at no point is the story made explicit. Images of love, death, suicide, violence and mutilation dominate.
Director: Imre Gyöngyössy.
Cast: Oszter Sándor, Szegő István, Rácz Irén, Józsefné Seres, Tiborné Fényes, Erzsi Cserhalmi, Károly Lakatos, Károlyné Lakatos, Tibor Bódi, József Rácz, Liza Balogh, Jenõ Dósa, László Horváth, Jenõné Dósa.
Hungary, 1972.
Language: Hungarian.
Download Meztelen vagy / The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men. 1972.
Meztelen vagy / The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men. 1972.
Meztelen vagy / The Legend About the Death and Resurrection of Two Young Men. 1972.


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Les agneaux / The Lambs. 1995.

Les agneaux / The Lambs. 1995.
FR. Frère et sœur, Daniel et Marie vivent avec leur père brutal qui refuse que leur mère gravement malade soit hospitalisée. Après son décès, ils s'enfuient et sont hébergés par un couple de commerçant. Près d'une discothèque, Marie tue un jeune homme qui voulait abuser d'elle. Leur père les retrouve, s'affronte avec son fils, puis s'accuse du meurtre commis par sa fille.
EN. In a village of the French Juras, Daniel, 15, and Marie, 14, live in the shadow of their brutal, domineering father, who can only express his love through violence. When their mother dies, the two inseparable children flee into the forest pursued by their father.
Director: Marcel Schüpbach.
Cast: Richard Berry, Brigitte Roüan, Julia Maraval, Alexis Tomassian, Noémie Kocher, Geneviève Pasquier, Antoine Basler, Roger Jendly, Christine Rossigneux, Jean Schlegel, Jean-François Panet, Mohammed Guellati, Sarah Guellati.
Switzerland, France, 1995.
Language: French.
Download Les agneaux / The Lambs. 1995.
Les agneaux / The Lambs. 1995.
Les agneaux / The Lambs. 1995.


Monday, October 10, 2022

Ståtrold. 2009.

Ståtrold. 2009.
"Ståtrold" educational short film about coming of age, childhood and chemistry.
Director: Meeto Worre Kronborg Grevsen.
Cast: Sheila Hansen, Kevin Øltieng, Christian Lykking, Asbjorn Olling, Pernille Ovesen.
Denmark, 2009.
Language: Danish.
Download Ståtrold. 2009.

Ståtrold. 2009.
Ståtrold. 2009.


Friday, October 7, 2022

Les saisons du plaisir. 1988. HD.

Les saisons du plaisir. 1988. HD.

 FR. Solides centenaires, Charles et Emmanuelle, organisent, comme chaque année, dans leur château, le congrès des parfumeurs, qui distribuent leurs produits. Garibaldi, leur gendre mutilé et quelque peu dérangé, en sera le majordome. Hélène et Jacques, leurs petits-enfants, le comité d'accueil...
EN. Charles and Emmanuelle organize as every year, the congress of perfumers who distribute their products in their castle. Garibaldi, their mutilated and somewhat disturbed son-in-law, will be the butler.
Director: Jean-Pierre Mocky.
Cast: Stéphane Audran, Jean-Pierre Bacri, Jean-Luc Bideau, Roland Blanche, Richard Bohringer, Fanny Cottençon, Darry Cowl, Éva Darlan, Denise Grey, Sylvie Joly, Bernadette Lafont, Jacqueline Maillan, Bernard Menez.
France, 1988.
Language: French.
1280x720 HD
Download Les saisons du plaisir. 1988.

Les saisons du plaisir. 1988. HD.
Les saisons du plaisir. 1988. HD.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Niña errante / Wandering Girl. 2018. FULL-HD.

Niña errante / Wandering Girl. 2018. FULL-HD.
Wandering Girl (original title: Niña Errante) is a 2018 Colombian film directed by Rubén Mendoza. Mendoza's fourth feature, the coming-of-age road movie made its world premiere as part of the Official Selection and won Grand Prix for Best Film and Best Music at the 2018 Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival.
Angela, 12 years old and her three stepsisters around their 30s. All of them, daughters of a charismatic slacker who just died. Angela must find a new home by crossing half of the country with her stepsisters. Angela'll recognize in her stepsisters, femininity, sensuality, mysteries of pleasure, pain, the body, misfortune, the challenge of being a women in those lands.
Director: Rubén Mendoza.
Cast: Lina Sanchez Calderon, Loren Paz Jara, Maria Camila Mejia, Carolina Ramírez.
Colombia, France, 2018.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Niña errante / Wandering Girl. 2018.
Niña errante / Wandering Girl. 2018. FULL-HD.
Niña errante / Wandering Girl. 2018. FULL-HD.


Cadavre exquis. 2013. HD.

Cadavre exquis. 2013. HD.
 Maëlys, huit ans, habite dans une campagne reculée avec ses parents. Insolente et solitaire, elle passe sa vie dans les bois et les marais. Un jour, elle découvre le cadavre d'une jeune fille nue au milieu des roseaux. Fascinée par sa beauté et sa texture, elle décide de l'emmener dans sa cabane.
Director: Léa Mysius.
Cast: Ena Letourneux, Elsa Letourneux, Brune Renault, Alexandra Hökenschnieder, Jean-Claude Tisserand.
France, 2013.
Language: French.
1280x720 HD
Download Cadavre exquis. 2013.
Cadavre exquis. 2013. HD.
Cadavre exquis. 2013. HD.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Such Small Hands. 2020. FULL-HD.

Such Small Hands. 2020. FULL-HD.
At an orphanage for girls, the group's unchecked pack mentality alienates a new arrival. To swing the balance of power, she invents a manipulative night game.
Director: Maria Martinez Bayona.
Cast: Sophie Mulhall, Sophie Atkins, Joni Driver, Maeve Flanagan, Mia-Rose Lightfoot, Channan Sanger.
UK, 2020.
Language: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Such Small Hands. 2020.
Such Small Hands. 2020. FULL-HD.
Such Small Hands. 2020. FULL-HD.