CZ. Příběh složitého dospívání citlivého chlapce Kvida vznikl podle stejnojmenného románu Michala Viewegha. Nostalgická komedie ze života jedné svérázné české rodiny se opírá především o atraktivní téma: šedá léta "reálného" socialismu jsou totiž pro mnohé pamětníky zároveň šťastnou dobou jejich mládí či puberty. Dějová linie se soustřeďuje především na trampoty Kvidova otce, excentrického dříče s vysokoškolským diplomem, kterého jeho úsilí zabezpečit rodinu bez ztráty důstojnosti dovede téměř až k šílenství. Snímek, zaměřený na lidské vztahy a vášně, tak akcentuje spíše vážnější polohu vyprávění. Svým tématem i zařazením do doby normalizace připomíná úspěšný titul Díky za každé nové ráno.
EN. Báječná léta pod psa (English - Those Wonderful Years That Sucked) is a 1997 movie, adapted from the book of the same title by Michal Viewegh.
It's the beginning of the 1960s in Czechoslovakia where the heavy impact of the Soviet Union influences all the happenings in the country. A young mother, played by Libuše Šafránková and a father, played by Ondřej Vetchý, are expecting their first baby. They have already agreed on a name - Quido. The baby is due to be born on August 5, but because nothing happens as planned, Quido is born earlier, during the performance Waiting for Godot written by Samuel Beckett. This might have influenced his life because since that moment he seems to be a genius boy. Of course his intelligence makes him trouble during his teenage years at school and also during his attempts to get a girlfriend. Eventually he manages to pick the right one.
For Quido everything suddenly looks wonderful, when another disaster comes. His father starts to suffer from persecution mania after he has been degraded from his job and asked to come to a police interrogation. He changes completely and thinks that the situation becomes unbearable. That's why he is making himself a coffin. Quido's mother feels desperate and comes with an idea which could save her husband. She wants Quido to have his own baby so that her husband could see the world from a better perspective again.
Eventually the whole situation is saved not only by Quido's child, but mainly by The Velvet Revolution in 1989. As a result, Quido's father starts to feel much better. The whole atmosphere is then interrupted by the fact that it becomes more and more obvious that the situation hasn't changed that much.
Director: Petr Nikolaev.Cast: Ondřej Vetchý, Libuše Šafránková, Vladimír Javorský, Jan Zahálka, Jakub Wehrenberg, Klára Botková, Jitka Ježková, Vladimír Dlouhý, Vilma Cibulková, Miriam Kantorková, Květa Fialová, Stanislav Zindulka, Otakar Brousek st., Viktor Preiss, Jiří Schmitzer, Emma Černá, Miloň Čepelka, Alice Bendová, Otmar Brancuzský, Jan Hraběta, Zdeněk David, Vlastimil Zavřel, Bohumil Klepl, Aleš Najbrt, Jiří Fero Burda, Jan Slovák, Lenka Vychodilová, Ladislav Klepal, Jaroslav Horák, Jan Vondráček, Martin Matejka, František Švihlík, Petr Koutecký, Doubravka Svobodová.
Czech Republic, 1997.Language: Czech.
1920x1080 FULL-HDDownload Bájecná léta pod psa / Wonderful Years That Sucked. 1997.
Bájecná léta pod psa / Wonderful Years That Sucked. 1997. FULL-HD. |