Приключенческая фильм рассказывает историю маленького Доврана, живущего с отцом-бакенщиком на берегу Аму-Дарьи.Его друзья животные живущие в округе с которыми он проводил всё время,и тут появляются охотники и пионерский отряд с которыми ему придётся встретится.
This Adventure film tells the story of little Dovran, who lives with his father, the beater, on the bank of Amu-Darya. His friends are animals living in the district with whom he spent all the time, and then there are hunters and a pioneer detachment with whom he will meet.
Directors: Anatoli Karpukhin, Murad Kurbanklychev.
Cast: Khommat Mullyk, Byashim Atakhanov, Nabat Kurbanova, Mukhmed Khodzhayev, Sarry Karryyev, Aman Byashimov, Dovran Saparov, Ayna Rustamova.
USSR, Turkmenfilm, 1969.
Language: Russian.
Download Приключения Доврана / Priklyucheniya Dovrana / Dovran's Adventures. 1969.
This Adventure film tells the story of little Dovran, who lives with his father, the beater, on the bank of Amu-Darya. His friends are animals living in the district with whom he spent all the time, and then there are hunters and a pioneer detachment with whom he will meet.
Directors: Anatoli Karpukhin, Murad Kurbanklychev.
Cast: Khommat Mullyk, Byashim Atakhanov, Nabat Kurbanova, Mukhmed Khodzhayev, Sarry Karryyev, Aman Byashimov, Dovran Saparov, Ayna Rustamova.
USSR, Turkmenfilm, 1969.
Language: Russian.
Download Приключения Доврана / Priklyucheniya Dovrana / Dovran's Adventures. 1969.
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Приключения Доврана / Priklyucheniya Dovrana / Dovran's Adventures. 1969. |
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