A young man (Moisé Curia) and a girl (Anna Malfatti), together with a camper van through southern Germany. Fighting, dressing up, dancing, laughing – he is a seed representative, she his doll. While eating at a restaurant the landlord notices the strange couple and the rare language of the shy little one: Ladin. In Rome at the same time. Police commissioner Milia Demetz (Cosmina Stratan) investigates in cyberspace and is on the trail of a paedophile network. When she discovers a girl in one of the anonymous videos, she is soon certain: the lasciviously photographed child is Magdalena Senoner, who disappeared in Tyrol at the age of 5. But who is behind the camera? All the threads come together when the German landlord forwards the recordings from his surveillance camera to the police. Can Milia make up the kidnapper's time lead and bring little Magdalena back home?
"An Uncertain Border" tells the gripping story of a child abduction and takes a look at the taboo subjects of paedophilia and paedo-crime on the Internet. But the Italian director Isabella Sandri, who has so far mainly made documentary films, does not give simple answers. She combines the harsh realism of a psycho-crime novel with the enigmatic and poetic moments of an outsider ballad. Artistic European arthouse cinema, whose aesthetics and motifs also evoke masterpieces such as Kubrick's "Lolita" or Fellini's "La Strada".
Director: Isabella Sandri.
Cast: Moisé Curia, Valeria Golino, Klara Höfels, Oliver Jaksch, Anna Malfatti, Lissy Pernthaler, Gerhard Polacek, Martina Schölzhorn, Benno Steinegger, Cosmina Stratan, Heio von Stetten, Jens Weisser.
Italy, Germany, 2019.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Un confine incerto / Nicht dein Mädchen / An Uncertain Border. 2019.
Un confine incerto / Nicht dein Mädchen / An Uncertain Border. 2019. FULL-HD. |